The World Wide Web Workout Page

With as much time as people tend to spend behind a computer, there seems to be little time for actual physical activity. This page is for those people with so little motivation, that they can't even be bothered to watch an exercise program on TV, but would rather stay behind a console.

Beginner's Low-Impact Workout

This workout is simple and easy to perform. Simply click the following links in the order "Up," "Down," "Left," "Right." Repeat this exercise in sets of 10 or 15, for three or four sets. (It is best to start small and build up.) Use this as a warm up for the more complicated workouts to come.


.LEFT.                               .RIGHT.


Advanced Dexterity Building Workout

This workout is intended for building up one's dexterity with the mouse and to tone muscles in the forearm. This workout is a suggested followup to the warmup workout above. Repeat this exercise in sets of 10 to 15, for three or four sets. (Click here to start.)

This workout set is Copyright (C) 1995 Joseph Zbiciak. All rights reserved.

Last update: 3-15-98

im14u2c AT primenet DOT com