VLSI Design Project

Cell Hierarchy

There are a number of cells used in my Magic Description. The following outline gives an idea of how these cells were used, heirarchially. Where available, I've made links to GIFs of the the cells, as captured in screen dumps from MAGIC.
Here's a brief description of what each cell contains:
Cell NameDescription
Code_Generator Super-cell that contains the entire project-in-frame
project The unframed project
24dx Contains 3 8dx_bus cells. Main body of PRN
8dx_bus 8 DX stages, with bussing lines attached. (built from 8dx_cd)
8dx_cd 8 DX stages, with clock drivers (build from 8dx)
8dx 8 DX stages (built from 2 4dx cells)
4dx 4 DX stages (built from 2 2dx cells)
2dx 2 DX stages. The DX stage is the basic stage of the circuit, consisting of a D Flip-Flop followed by an XOR gate.
2msff Two Master-Slave flip-flops, the basis for the D flip-flop. (build from msff)
msff A single Master-Slave flip-flop. This has a D, /D, Clk, /Clk and Set input. It provides a Q and /Q output.
srff A single Set-Reset flip-flop. This has a clocked Set and Reset input, as well as a non-clocked Set input. The S and R inputs correspond to D and /D.
xor_a This is the body of an XOR gate. It accepts A, /A, B, and /B, and gives A xor B.
xor_b This is actually a pair of inverters, used for either generating the /A and /B for the XOR input, or for inverting the XOR output if one of the inputs is already available inverted.
inv Generic inverter.
drv_2 Double-sized inverter/driver.
drv_4 Quadruple-sized inverter/driver.
drv_6 Sextuple-sized inverter/driver.
ee563 The text string "EE 563"
names The text string "Joe Zbiciak" and "Chris Witte"
text The text string "The generation of random numbers is too important to be left to chance"
copyr Textual copyright notice.
40pc22x22_stuffed The pad frame. The cells below are contained in the pad frame and were not designed by myself.
gnd N/A
io N/A
vdd N/A
cg N/A
cg_r N/A
cv N/A
cv_r N/A