The Keyboard Component

Currently, this document is a place-holder until I get more info here.

Quick rundown of what I know about the Keyboard Component and the "6502 side" of things:

On the "CP-1600 side":

Also, here are some notes I've made while reading the 6502 ROM dumps.

Miscellaneous stuff noted about kbd component 6502 code

Entry points:
    $CE79  (ref: code @ $C1E1 ... $C1F3)

    $C13B  (ref: boot code @ $C23C)
    $CC16  (ref: boot code @ $C246)

    $C1E1  Set default ISR vector & init flag? (point $3E8 @ $CE79)
    $C363  Copy 12 bytes src=($96) to dst=($340 + A*12).
    $C498  Store "$340 + A*12" to $96/$97.  Clear Y.  X = A*12.
    $C926  Copy 12 bytes from $C91E to $340.

    $DFBE  Block fill >255 w/ zero.  Count in $96/$97. $90 used as tmp.
    $DFD2  Block fill with zero.  Address in $94/$95, count in $90.
    $DFD4  Block fill with A.     Address in $94/$95, count in $90.
    $DFDE  Block-move 6 bytes.    Src addr in $94/$95, Dst in $96/$97. 
    $DFE0  Block-move Y bytes.    Src addr in $94/$95, Dst in $96/$97. 
    $DFEE  Multiply A by 12, result in both A and X.

Jump vectors:

    $94/$95  (ref: code @ $C9C2, $DC73)
    $96/$97  (ref: code @ $C12D)
    $98/$99  (ref: code @ $D221)
    $B1/$B2  (save area for $94/$95 vector?  Ref code @ $C878)
    $E5/$E6  (save area for $94/$95 vector?  Ref code @ $C3C5,$D152)
    $302     (ref: code @ $C3F3)
    $3D3     (ref: code @ $C06E)
    $3E8     (from IRQ routine.  Ref code @ $C022)

Jump table at $C2EF .. $C305


Jump table at $C731 .. $C772


Jump table at $C972 .. $C989


Jump table at $D2B1 .. $D2F4

Jump table at $DCB5 .. $DCBC

Jump table at $DCE9 .. $DCF0:  Not actually a jump table ???
#    $DCF1,$DD08,$DD20,$DD38,

RAM-based vector tables (?) at following locations:

    $342-ish  (ref: code @ $C0EF, $C10E, $C6B3, $DF68, $DFAA)
    $348-ish  (ref: code @ $C12D)
    $3BB-ish  (ref: code @ $C2C2)

Display buffer:

    Row  0:    $B800 - $B827
    Row  1:    $B840 - $B867
    Row  2:    $B880 - $B8A7
    Row  3:    $B8C0 - $B8E7
    Row  4:    $B900 - $B927
    Row  5:    $B940 - $B967
    Row  6:    $B980 - $B9A7
    Row  7:    $B9C0 - $B9E7
    Row  8:    $BA00 - $BA27
    Row  9:    $BA40 - $BA67
    Row 10:    $BA80 - $BAA7
    Row 11:    $BAC0 - $BAE7
    Row 12:    $BB00 - $BB27
    Row 13:    $BB40 - $BB67
    Row 14:    $BB80 - $BBA7
    Row 15:    $BBC0 - $BBE7
    Row 16:    $BC00 - $BC27
    Row 17:    $BC40 - $BC67
    Row 18:    $BC80 - $BCA7
    Row 19:    $BCC0 - $BCE7
    Row 20:    $BD00 - $BD27
    Row 21:    $BD40 - $BD67
    Row 22:    $BD80 - $BDA7
    Row 23:    $BDC0 - $BDE7

$Id: keyboard.html,v 1.1 2000/09/28 00:05:49 im14u2c Exp $