/* * ============================================================================ * Title: Configuration Manager * Author: J. Zbiciak * ============================================================================ * This module manages the machine configuration. It does commandline * parsing and processes the configuration elements that were read in * via the config-file parser. * * CFG owns the entire machine -- it is encapsulated in a cfg_t. * ============================================================================ * CFG_INIT -- Parse command line and get started * CFG_FILE -- Parse a config file and extend the state of the machine. * ============================================================================ */ #include "config.h" #include "lzoe/lzoe.h" #include "file/file.h" #include "periph/periph.h" #include "cp1600/cp1600.h" #include "cp1600/emu_link.h" #include "cheat/cheat.h" #include "mem/mem.h" #include "ecs/ecs.h" #include "icart/icart.h" #include "bincfg/bincfg.h" #include "bincfg/legacy.h" #include "pads/pads.h" #include "pads/pads_cgc.h" #include "pads/pads_intv2pc.h" #include "avi/avi.h" #include "gfx/gfx.h" #include "gfx/palette.h" #include "snd/snd.h" #include "ay8910/ay8910.h" #include "demo/demo.h" #include "stic/stic.h" #include "ivoice/ivoice.h" #include "speed/speed.h" #include "debug/debug_.h" #include "event/event.h" #include "joy/joy.h" #include "serializer/serializer.h" #include "jlp/jlp.h" #include "plat/plat.h" #include "plat/plat_lib.h" #include "misc/file_crc32.h" #include "metadata/metadata.h" #include "metadata/print_metadata.h" #include "name/name.h" #include "debug/source.h" #include "file/elfi.h" #include "locutus/locutus_adapt.h" #include "mapping.h" #include "cfg.h" #include LOCAL path_t *rom_path; void cfg_default(event_t *event); /* ======================================================================== */ /* CFG_GET_EVTACT -- Convert an event action name into an event action */ /* index. This is a horrible linear search. :-P */ /* Hey, it works for now. */ /* ======================================================================== */ int cfg_get_evtact(const char *event_action_name) { int i; for (i = 0; i < cfg_event_action_cnt; i++) { if (!strcmp(cfg_event_action[i].name, event_action_name)) return i; } return -1; } /* ======================================================================== */ /* CFG_SETBIND -- Set all of the key-bindings for the Intellivision. */ /* ======================================================================== */ int cfg_setbind(cfg_t *cfg, const char *kbdhackfile) { int i, j, map; LZFILE *f = NULL; int action; char buf[256]; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Iterate over the bindings table. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for (i = 0; cfg->binding[i].key != NULL; i++) { /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Iterate over the four possible "event spaces" that the user */ /* may have configured. For instance, the user may have set up */ /* "Normal", "Swapped", "Alpha-numeric", and one other. */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Skip empty event bindings. These keys aren't bound. */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ if (!cfg->binding[i].event_action[j] || !cfg->binding[i].event_action[j][0]) continue; /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Look up the event name, and skip if the name is invalid. */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ if ((action = cfg_get_evtact(cfg->binding[i].event_action[j])) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "cfg: Invalid event action '%s'\n", cfg->binding[i].event_action[j]); continue; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Map the key to the event. */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ event_map(&cfg->event, cfg->binding[i].key, j, cfg_event_action[action].word, cfg_event_action[action].and_mask, cfg_event_action[action].or_mask); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* HACK: If the user specified a keyboard mapping file, read that in. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (!kbdhackfile) return 0; if (!(f = lzoe_fopen(kbdhackfile, "r"))) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open keyboard map file '%s'\n", kbdhackfile); exit(1); } map = 0; while (lzoe_fgets(buf, 256, f) != NULL) { char *s1, *s2; char cmd[256], arg[256], arg2[256], arg3[256]; int bad, too_many; bad = too_many = 0; if ((s1 = strchr (buf, ';' ))) *s1 = 0; if ((s1 = strrchr(buf, '\r'))) *s1 = 0; if ((s1 = strrchr(buf, '\n'))) *s1 = 0; cmd[0] = 0; arg[0] = 0; s1 = buf; while (*s1 && isspace(*s1)) s1++; s2 = cmd; while (*s1 && !isspace(*s1) && s2 < &cmd[255]) *s2++ = *s1++; if (s2 >= &cmd[255]) bad = 1; *s2 = 0; while (*s1 && isspace(*s1)) s1++; s2 = arg; while (*s1 && !isspace(*s1) && s2 < &arg[255]) *s2++ = *s1++; if (s2 >= &arg[255]) bad = 2; *s2 = 0; while (*s1 && isspace(*s1)) s1++; s2 = arg2; while (*s1 && !isspace(*s1) && s2 < &arg2[255]) *s2++ = *s1++; if (s2 >= &arg2[255]) bad = 3; *s2 = 0; while (*s1 && isspace(*s1)) s1++; s2 = arg3; while (*s1 && !isspace(*s1) && s2 < &arg3[255]) *s2++ = *s1++; if (s2 >= &arg3[255]) bad = 4; *s2 = 0; while (*s1 && isspace(*s1)) s1++; if (*s1) too_many = 1; if (bad) { fprintf(stderr, "cfg: Fatal error (argument too long?) parsing " "kbdhackfile (%d)\n", bad); goto fail; } if (!too_many && !stricmp(cmd, "add_combo")) { j = atoi(arg); jzp_printf("cfg: Combining %s and %s as COMBO%d\n", arg2, arg3, j); if (j > 63 || j < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "cfg: COMBO number out of range\n"); goto fail; } if (event_combine(&cfg->event, arg2, arg3, j)) { fprintf(stderr, "cfg: Error registering combo\n"); goto fail; } continue; } if (arg2[0] != 0 || arg3[0] != 0 || too_many) { fprintf(stderr, "cfg: Too many arguments in kbdhackfile:\n> %s\n", buf); fprintf(stderr, "cmd='%s' arg='%s' arg2='%s' arg3='%s' s1='%s'\n", cmd,arg,arg2,arg3,s1); goto fail; } if (!stricmp(cmd, "combo_delay")) { double ms = atof(arg); if (ms < 0. || ms > 100.) { fprintf(stderr, "cfg: COMBO_DELAY out of range.\n"); goto fail; } jzp_printf("cfg: Setting combo event delay to %5.2fms\n", ms); event_set_combo_coalesce(&cfg->event, ms / 1000.); continue; } if (!stricmp(cmd, "map")) { map = atoi(arg); if (map < 0 || map > 3) { fprintf(stderr, "cfg: Map number out of range\n"); goto fail; } continue; } if (cmd[0] == 0 || arg[0] == 0) { if (cmd[0]) { fprintf(stderr, "cfg: Unknown command '%s' in %s\n", cmd, kbdhackfile); goto fail; } continue; } jzp_printf("cfg: Binding %s to %s in map %d\n", cmd, arg, map); if ((action = cfg_get_evtact(arg)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "cfg: Invalid event action '%s'\n", arg); goto fail; } event_map(&cfg->event, cmd, map, cfg_event_action[action].word, cfg_event_action[action].and_mask, cfg_event_action[action].or_mask); } lzoe_fclose(f); return 0; fail: if (f) lzoe_fclose(f); return -1; } /* ======================================================================== */ /* Built-in display resolutions. */ /* ======================================================================== */ LOCAL const int res_x[] = { 320, 640, 320, 1024, 1680, 800, 1600, 3280 }; LOCAL const int res_y[] = { 200, 480, 240, 768, 1050, 400, 1200, 1200 }; LOCAL const int res_d[] = { 8, 8 , 16, 8, 8, 16 , 32, 32 }; #define NUM_RES ((int)(sizeof(res_x) / sizeof(res_x[0]))) /* ======================================================================== */ /* CFG_PARSERES -- Parse a resolution string. Return -1 if invalid. */ /* ======================================================================== */ LOCAL const char *cfg_parseres(const char *const res, int *const rx, int *const ry, int *const rd) { int s; if (!rx || !ry || !rd) return "cfg_parseres: internal error, invalid arguments"; if (!res) { *rx = res_x[0]; *ry = res_y[0]; *rd = res_d[0]; return NULL; } s = sscanf(res, "%d%*1c%d%*1c%d", rx, ry, rd); if (s < 1 || s > 3) return "Bad resolution string."; if (s == 1) { if (*rx >= 0 && *rx < NUM_RES) { int i = *rx; *rx = res_x[i]; *ry = res_y[i]; *rd = res_d[i]; return NULL; } if (*rx < 0) return ""; /* not really an error, but force resolution listing */ return "Resolution number out of range."; } if (s == 2) *rd = 8; if (!(*rd == 8 || *rd == 16 || *rd == 24 || *rd == 32)) return "Color depth must be 8, 16, 24 or 32"; if (*rx < 320) return "X resolution is too small."; if (*ry < 200) return "Y resolution is too small."; return NULL; } /* ======================================================================== */ /* CFG_LONGOPT -- Long options for getopt_long */ /* ======================================================================== */ enum { FLAG_CGC0 = 2000, FLAG_CGC1, FLAG_KBDHACKFILE, FLAG_GP2X_CLOCK, FLAG_GFX_SWSURF, FLAG_GFX_DBLBUF, FLAG_GFX_ASYNCB, FLAG_GFX_HWPAL, FLAG_GFX_DIRTYRECT, FLAG_GFX_DR_MERGE, FLAG_GFX_VERBOSE, FLAG_GFX_PALETTE, FLAG_GFX_BORD_X, FLAG_GFX_BORD_Y, FLAG_GUI_MODE, FLAG_RAND_MEM, FLAG_START_DELAY, FLAG_DBG_SCRIPT, FLAG_DBG_SRCMAP, FLAG_FILE_IO, FLAG_ENABLE_MOUSE, FLAG_PRESCALE, FLAG_JLP_SAVEGAME, FLAG_AVI_RATE, FLAG_LOCUTUS, FLAG_ECS_TAPE, FLAG_ECS_PRINTER, FLAG_CHEAT, FLAG_CHEAT0, FLAG_CHEAT1, FLAG_CHEAT2, FLAG_CHEAT3, FLAG_CHEAT4, FLAG_CHEAT5, FLAG_CHEAT6, FLAG_CHEAT7, FLAG_CHEAT8, FLAG_CHEAT9, FLAG_CHEAT10, FLAG_CHEAT11, FLAG_CHEAT12, FLAG_CHEAT13, FLAG_CHEAT14, FLAG_CHEAT15, FLAG_CHEAT16, FLAG_CHEAT17, FLAG_CHEAT18, FLAG_CHEAT19, FLAG_CHEAT20, FLAG_CHEAT21, FLAG_CHEAT22, FLAG_CHEAT23, FLAG_CHEAT24, FLAG_CHEAT25, FLAG_CHEAT26, FLAG_CHEAT27, FLAG_CHEAT28, FLAG_CHEAT29, FLAG_CHEAT30, FLAG_CHEAT31 }; struct option cfg_longopt[] = { { "ecsimg", 1, NULL, 'E' }, { "execimg", 1, NULL, 'e' }, { "gromimg", 1, NULL, 'g' }, { "gramsize", 1, NULL, 'G' }, { "ecs", 2, NULL, 's' }, { "fullscreen", 2, NULL, 'f' }, { "audiofile", 1, NULL, 'F' }, { "debugger", 0, NULL, 'd' }, { "ratecontrol", 2, NULL, 'r' }, { "macho", 2, NULL, 'r' }, { "fullscreen", 2, NULL, 'x' }, { "displaysize", 1, NULL, 'z' }, { "resolution", 1, NULL, 'z' }, { "audio", 1, NULL, 'a' }, { "audiorate", 1, NULL, 'a' }, { "audiowindow", 1, NULL, 'w' }, { "audiobufsize", 1, NULL, 'B' }, { "audiobufcnt", 1, NULL, 'C' }, { "audiomintick", 1, NULL, 'M' }, { "voice", 2, NULL, 'v' }, { "voicewindow", 2, NULL, 'W' }, { "voicefiles", 2, NULL, 'V' }, { "i2pc0", 2, NULL, 'i' }, { "i2pc1", 2, NULL, 'I' }, { "intv2pc0", 2, NULL, 'i' }, { "intv2pc1", 2, NULL, 'I' }, #ifdef CGC_DLL { "cgc0", 2, NULL, FLAG_CGC0 }, { "cgc1", 2, NULL, FLAG_CGC1 }, #endif #ifdef CGC_THREAD { "cgc0", 1, NULL, FLAG_CGC0 }, { "cgc1", 1, NULL, FLAG_CGC1 }, #endif { "icartcache", 2, NULL, 'c' }, { "help", 0, NULL, 'h' }, { "license", 0, NULL, 'l' }, { "nobusywait", 0, NULL, '9' }, { "kbdhackfile", 1, NULL, FLAG_KBDHACKFILE }, { "kbdmap", 1, NULL, 'm' }, { "demofile", 1, NULL, 'D' }, { "js0", 2, NULL, 1000 }, { "js1", 2, NULL, 1010 }, { "js2", 2, NULL, 1020 }, { "js3", 2, NULL, 1030 }, #define JS_FLAG(j) \ { "js" #j "a", 2, NULL, 1000 + (j)*10 }, \ { "js" #j "b", 2, NULL, 1001 + (j)*10 }, \ { "js" #j "c", 2, NULL, 1002 + (j)*10 }, \ { "js" #j "d", 2, NULL, 1003 + (j)*10 }, \ { "js" #j "e", 2, NULL, 1004 + (j)*10 }, \ { "js" #j "f", 2, NULL, 1005 + (j)*10 }, \ { "js" #j "g", 2, NULL, 1006 + (j)*10 }, \ { "js" #j "h", 2, NULL, 1007 + (j)*10 }, \ { "js" #j "i", 2, NULL, 1008 + (j)*10 }, \ { "js" #j "j", 2, NULL, 1009 + (j)*10 } JS_FLAG(0), JS_FLAG(1), JS_FLAG(2), JS_FLAG(3), JS_FLAG(4), JS_FLAG(5), JS_FLAG(6), JS_FLAG(7), JS_FLAG(8), JS_FLAG(9), #if PLAT_LINUX == PLAT_LINUX_GP2X { "gp2xclock", 1, NULL, FLAG_GP2X_CLOCK }, #endif { "gfx-swsurf", 2, NULL, FLAG_GFX_SWSURF }, { "gfx-dblbuf", 2, NULL, FLAG_GFX_DBLBUF }, { "gfx-asyncb", 2, NULL, FLAG_GFX_ASYNCB }, { "gfx-hwpal", 2, NULL, FLAG_GFX_HWPAL }, { "gfx-verbose", 0, NULL, FLAG_GFX_VERBOSE }, { "gfx-dirtyrect",2, NULL, FLAG_GFX_DIRTYRECT }, { "gfx-dr-clean-merge",2, NULL, FLAG_GFX_DR_MERGE }, { "gfx-palette", 1, NULL, FLAG_GFX_PALETTE }, { "gfx-border-pct", 1, NULL, 'b' }, { "gfx-border-x", 1, NULL, FLAG_GFX_BORD_X }, { "gfx-border-y", 1, NULL, FLAG_GFX_BORD_Y }, { "gui-mode", 0, NULL, FLAG_GUI_MODE }, { "rom-path", 1, NULL, 'p' }, { "quiet", 0, NULL, 'q' }, { "start-delay", 2, NULL, FLAG_START_DELAY }, { "sym-file", 1, NULL, 'S' }, { "script", 1, NULL, FLAG_DBG_SCRIPT }, { "src-map", 1, NULL, FLAG_DBG_SRCMAP }, { "rand-mem", 0, NULL, FLAG_RAND_MEM }, { "file-io", 1, NULL, FLAG_FILE_IO }, { "pal", 0, NULL, 'P' }, { "enable-mouse", 0, NULL, FLAG_ENABLE_MOUSE }, { "prescale", 1, NULL, FLAG_PRESCALE }, { "jlp", 0, NULL, 'J' }, { "jlp-savegame", 1, NULL, FLAG_JLP_SAVEGAME }, { "jlp-flash", 1, NULL, 'j' }, { "avirate", 1, NULL, FLAG_AVI_RATE }, // --locutus for testing LUIGI files. { "locutus", 0, NULL, FLAG_LOCUTUS }, { "ecs-tape", 1, NULL, FLAG_ECS_TAPE }, { "ecs-printer", 1, NULL, FLAG_ECS_PRINTER }, { "cheat", 1, NULL, FLAG_CHEAT }, #define CH_FLAG(c) \ { "cheat" #c "0", 1, NULL, FLAG_CHEAT##c##0 }, \ { "cheat" #c "1", 1, NULL, FLAG_CHEAT##c##1 }, \ { "cheat" #c "2", 1, NULL, FLAG_CHEAT##c##2 }, \ { "cheat" #c "3", 1, NULL, FLAG_CHEAT##c##3 }, \ { "cheat" #c "4", 1, NULL, FLAG_CHEAT##c##4 }, \ { "cheat" #c "5", 1, NULL, FLAG_CHEAT##c##5 }, \ { "cheat" #c "6", 1, NULL, FLAG_CHEAT##c##6 }, \ { "cheat" #c "7", 1, NULL, FLAG_CHEAT##c##7 }, \ { "cheat" #c "8", 1, NULL, FLAG_CHEAT##c##8 }, \ { "cheat" #c "9", 1, NULL, FLAG_CHEAT##c##9 } CH_FLAG(), CH_FLAG(1), CH_FLAG(2), { "cheat30", 1, NULL, FLAG_CHEAT30 }, { "cheat31", 1, NULL, FLAG_CHEAT31 }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; LOCAL const char *optchars= "b:E:e:G:g:s::f::F:?dhlqr:P::x::z:a:w:B:C:M:m:" "v::W::V::i::I::c:D:p:J:j::"; /* ======================================================================== */ /* Supported I/O addresses for INTV2PC. */ /* ======================================================================== */ const uint32_t i2pc_ports[4] = { 0x0, 0x378, 0x278, 0x3BC }; LOCAL char *joy_cfg[MAX_JOY][MAX_STICKS]; /* ======================================================================== */ /* CFG_INIT -- Parse command line and get started */ /* ======================================================================== */ void cfg_init(cfg_t *cfg, int argc, char * argv_orig[]) { int c, option_idx = 0, rx, ry, rd, bx = -1, by = -1, bpct = -1; int exec_type = 0, legacy_rom = 0; int value = 1, busywaits = 1; uint32_t cache_flags = IC_CACHE_DFLT; char *audiofile = NULL, *tmp; char *kbdhackfile = NULL; char *demofile = NULL; char *jlpsg = NULL; char *elfi_prefix = NULL; char *gfx_palette = NULL; const char *fn_ecs_tape = NULL; const char *fn_ecs_printer = NULL; int jlp_accel = -1; int jlp_flash = -1; LZFILE *f; int silent = 0; char *debug_symtbl = NULL; char *debug_script = NULL; char *debug_srcmap = NULL; int snd_buf_size = 0; int snd_buf_cnt = 0; int gfx_verbose = 0; int rand_mem = 0; int enable_mouse = 0; int ecs_bin_fail_ok = 0; char *disp_res = NULL; const char *err_msg = NULL; int locutus = 0; #ifndef NO_SERIALIZER ser_hier_t *ser_cfg; #endif game_metadata_t *meta = NULL; int meta_needs_free = 0; int initial_event_map = 0; const bool batch_mode = plat_is_batch_mode(); int gp2xclock = 200; /* Only used on GP2X. */ char *cheat_str[NUM_CHEATS]; int cheat_idx[NUM_CHEATS]; int cheat_cnt = 0; char **argv_copy = CALLOC(char *, argc); char *argv_data; { int i, sz = 0; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) sz += strlen(argv_orig[i]) + 1; argv_data = CALLOC(char, sz); sz = 0; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { strcpy(argv_data + sz, argv_orig[i]); argv_copy[i] = argv_data + sz; sz += strlen(argv_orig[i]) + 1; } } optind = 0; optopt = 0; opterr = 0; optarg = NULL; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Default to silent on Wii. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ silent |= PLAT_WII; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Initialize random number generator. Do this before peripherals, */ /* as some may use the random number generator. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) srand_jz(time(0) + (uint32_t)(UINT32_MAX * fmod(get_time(), 0.999))); #else /* For some reason the line above triggered an overflow exception in */ /* Emscripten, so go with this simpler random seed init. */ /* TODO: Try it again now that I've added fmod. */ srand_jz(time(0) & 0xFFFFFFFFu); #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Set up the default state for everything. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ memset((void *)cfg, 0, sizeof(cfg_t)); cfg->pal_mode = 0; /* Default NTSC */ cfg->gram_size = -1; /* Automatic GRAM size */ cfg->audio_rate = DEFAULT_AUDIO_HZ; /* see config.h */ cfg->psg_window = -1; /* Automatic window setting. */ cfg->ecs_enable = -1; /* Automatic (dflt: ECS off) */ cfg->ivc_enable = -1; /* Automatic (dflt: Intellivoice off. */ cfg->ivc_window = -1; /* Automatic window setting. */ cfg->gfx_flags = 0 /* Windowed, single buf, hardware surf */ #if 0 | GFX_DRECTS /* Dirty rectangle update */ | GFX_DRCMRG; /* Allow merging cln rect btwn 2 dirty */ #else /* dirty rectangles disabled for now. */ ; #endif cfg->i2pc0_port = 0; /* No INTV2PC #0 */ cfg->i2pc1_port = 0; /* No INTV2PC #1 */ cfg->cgc0_num = -1; /* No CGC #0 */ cfg->cgc1_num = -1; /* No CGC #1 */ cfg->cgc0_dev = NULL; /* No CGC #0 */ cfg->cgc1_dev = NULL; /* No CGC #1 */ cfg->debugging = 0; /* No debugger. */ cfg->rate_ctl = !batch_mode; /* Enable rate ctl unless batch. */ cfg->avi_time_scale = -1.0; /* Default: unspecified. */ cfg->accutick = 1; /* fully accurate audio. */ cfg->binding = cfg_key_bind; /* default key bindings. */ cfg->start_dly = -1; /* No startup delay by default. */ #define STR_REPLACE(x,y) { CONDFREE(x); (x) = strdup(y); } STR_REPLACE(cfg->fn_exec, "exec.bin"); /* Default name to look for */ STR_REPLACE(cfg->fn_grom, "grom.bin"); /* ... */ STR_REPLACE(cfg->fn_game, "game.rom"); /* ... */ STR_REPLACE(cfg->fn_ecs, "ecs.bin"); /* ... */ STR_REPLACE(fn_ecs_tape, "ecs_tape#.ecs"); STR_REPLACE(fn_ecs_printer, "ecs_printer#.ecs"); cheat_init(&cfg->cheat, &cfg->cp1600); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Figure out out our executable's path. If none, assume ".". */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (!exe_path) { exe_path = get_exe_dir(argv_copy[0]); if (!exe_path) exe_path = strdup("."); } #ifndef NO_SERIALIZER /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Register our config variables for serialization. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define SER_REG(x,t,l,f)\ ser_register(ser_cfg, #x, &cfg-> x, t, l, f) ser_cfg = ser_new_hierarchy(NULL, "cfg"); SER_REG(ecs_enable, ser_s32, 1, SER_INIT|SER_MAND); SER_REG(ivc_enable, ser_s32, 1, SER_INIT|SER_MAND); SER_REG(ivc_tname, ser_string, 1, SER_INIT|SER_MAND); #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Parse the commandline flags. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv_copy, optchars, cfg_longopt, &option_idx)) != EOF) { int noarg = 1; double dvalue; value = 1; dvalue = 1.0; if (optarg) { noarg = 0; value = atoi(optarg); sscanf(optarg, "%lf", &dvalue); } if (c >= 1000 && c <= 1099) /* joystick flags */ { int joy_num = (c - 1000) / 10, stick = (c - 1000) % 10; STR_REPLACE(joy_cfg[joy_num][stick], (optarg ? optarg : "")); } else switch (c) { case '?': case 'h': usage(); break; case 'l': license(); break; case 'q': silent = 1; break; case 'B': snd_buf_size = value; break; case 'C': snd_buf_cnt = value; break; case 'M': cfg->accutick = value; break; case 'E': STR_REPLACE(cfg->fn_ecs , optarg); break; case 'e': STR_REPLACE(cfg->fn_exec , optarg); break; case 'g': STR_REPLACE(cfg->fn_grom , optarg); break; case 'G': cfg->gram_size = value; break; case 'F': STR_REPLACE(audiofile , optarg); break; case 's': cfg->ecs_enable = value; break; case 'z': STR_REPLACE(disp_res , optarg); break; case 'd': cfg->debugging = 1; break; case 'r': cfg->rate_ctl = dvalue; break; case 'a': cfg->audio_rate = value; break; case 'w': cfg->psg_window = value; break; case 'v': cfg->ivc_enable = value; break; case 'W': cfg->ivc_window = value; break; case 'V': STR_REPLACE(cfg->ivc_tname , optarg); break; case 'i': cfg->i2pc0_port = value; break; case 'I': cfg->i2pc1_port = value; break; case 'S': STR_REPLACE(debug_symtbl , optarg); break; case FLAG_AVI_RATE: cfg->avi_time_scale = dvalue; break; case FLAG_DBG_SCRIPT: STR_REPLACE(debug_script, optarg); break; case FLAG_DBG_SRCMAP: STR_REPLACE(debug_srcmap, optarg); break; case FLAG_CGC0: cfg->cgc0_num = noarg ? 0 : value; STR_REPLACE(cfg->cgc0_dev , optarg); break; case FLAG_CGC1: cfg->cgc1_num = noarg ? 0 : value; STR_REPLACE(cfg->cgc1_dev , optarg); break; case FLAG_KBDHACKFILE: STR_REPLACE(kbdhackfile , optarg); break; case FLAG_GP2X_CLOCK: gp2xclock = value; break; #define CHG_BIT(var, bit, to) (var) = ((var) & ~(bit)) | ((to) ? (bit) : 0) case 'f': case 'x': CHG_BIT(cfg->gfx_flags, GFX_FULLSC, value); break; case FLAG_GFX_SWSURF: CHG_BIT(cfg->gfx_flags, GFX_SWSURF, value); break; case FLAG_GFX_DBLBUF: CHG_BIT(cfg->gfx_flags, GFX_DBLBUF, value); if (value != 0) CHG_BIT(cfg->gfx_flags, GFX_DRECTS, 0); break; case FLAG_GFX_ASYNCB: CHG_BIT(cfg->gfx_flags, GFX_ASYNCB, value); break; case FLAG_GFX_HWPAL: CHG_BIT(cfg->gfx_flags, GFX_HWPAL, value); break; case FLAG_GFX_DIRTYRECT: CHG_BIT(cfg->gfx_flags, GFX_DRECTS, value); if (value != 0) CHG_BIT(cfg->gfx_flags, GFX_DBLBUF, 0); break; case FLAG_GFX_DR_MERGE: CHG_BIT(cfg->gfx_flags, GFX_DRCMRG, value); break; case FLAG_GFX_VERBOSE: gfx_verbose = 1; break; case FLAG_GFX_PALETTE: STR_REPLACE(gfx_palette, optarg); break; case 'b': bpct = value; break; case FLAG_GFX_BORD_X: bx = value; break; case FLAG_GFX_BORD_Y: by = value; break; case FLAG_GUI_MODE: cfg->gui_mode = 1; break; case FLAG_RAND_MEM: rand_mem = 1; break; case 'P': cfg->pal_mode = 1; break; case FLAG_FILE_IO: STR_REPLACE(elfi_prefix, optarg); break; case 'D': STR_REPLACE(demofile, optarg); break; case '9': busywaits = 0; break; case FLAG_ENABLE_MOUSE: enable_mouse = 1; break; case FLAG_PRESCALE: cfg->prescale = value; break; case FLAG_JLP_SAVEGAME: STR_REPLACE(jlpsg, optarg); jlp_accel = 3; break; case 'J': jlp_accel = !noarg ? value : 3; break; case 'j': jlp_flash = value; break; case FLAG_LOCUTUS: locutus = 1; break; case FLAG_ECS_TAPE: STR_REPLACE(fn_ecs_tape, optarg); break; case FLAG_ECS_PRINTER: STR_REPLACE(fn_ecs_printer, optarg); break; case 'c': { const char *name = "Default"; switch (value) { default: case 0: cache_flags = IC_CACHE_CABS; name = "Cache bankswitched"; break; case 1: cache_flags = IC_CACHE_NOBS; name = "Don't cache bankswitched"; break; case 2: cache_flags = IC_CACHE_SAFE; name = "Cache read-only, no banksw"; break; case 3: cache_flags = IC_CACHE_NONE; name = "Cache nothing"; break; } UNUSED(name); break; } case 'p': { rom_path = parse_path_string(rom_path, optarg); break; } case FLAG_START_DELAY: { float ftmp = -1.f; sscanf(optarg, "%f", &ftmp); cfg->start_dly = 1000.f * ftmp; break; } case 'm': { if (value >= 0 && value < 4) initial_event_map = value; break; } case FLAG_CHEAT: case FLAG_CHEAT0: case FLAG_CHEAT1: case FLAG_CHEAT2: case FLAG_CHEAT3: case FLAG_CHEAT4: case FLAG_CHEAT5: case FLAG_CHEAT6: case FLAG_CHEAT7: case FLAG_CHEAT8: case FLAG_CHEAT9: case FLAG_CHEAT10: case FLAG_CHEAT11: case FLAG_CHEAT12: case FLAG_CHEAT13: case FLAG_CHEAT14: case FLAG_CHEAT15: case FLAG_CHEAT16: case FLAG_CHEAT17: case FLAG_CHEAT18: case FLAG_CHEAT19: case FLAG_CHEAT20: case FLAG_CHEAT21: case FLAG_CHEAT22: case FLAG_CHEAT23: case FLAG_CHEAT24: case FLAG_CHEAT25: case FLAG_CHEAT26: case FLAG_CHEAT27: case FLAG_CHEAT28: case FLAG_CHEAT29: case FLAG_CHEAT30: case FLAG_CHEAT31: { const int idx = c == FLAG_CHEAT ? CHEAT_FIRST_AVAIL : c - FLAG_CHEAT0; if (cheat_cnt < NUM_CHEATS) { cheat_idx[cheat_cnt ] = idx; cheat_str[cheat_cnt++] = strdup(optarg); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Too many cheat arguments.\n"); exit(1); } break; } default: { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized option: '%s'\n" "Try jzintv --help for usage information.\n", argv_copy[optind - 1]); exit(1); } } } if (optind < argc) STR_REPLACE(cfg->fn_game, argv_copy[optind]); CONDFREE(argv_data); CONDFREE(argv_copy); rom_path = parse_path_string(rom_path, getenv("JZINTV_ROM_PATH")); if (DEFAULT_ROM_PATH) rom_path = parse_path_string(rom_path, DEFAULT_ROM_PATH); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Set up jzp_printf. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (cfg->gui_mode) { cfg->debugging = 0; jzp_init(1, 0, NULL, NULL); setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0); #ifndef NO_FCNTL fcntl(STDIN_FILENO, F_SETFL, O_NDELAY); #endif } else jzp_init(silent, stdout, NULL, NULL); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* On WII, just make sure we're full-screen. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (PLAT_WII) cfg->gfx_flags |= GFX_FULLSC; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* On GP2X, simply force a few arguments to the only supported vals. */ /* Also, adjust the clock if the user requests it. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (PLAT_LINUX == PLAT_LINUX_GP2X) { cfg->gfx_flags |= GFX_FULLSC; cfg->gfx_flags &= ~GFX_DBLBUF; STR_REPLACE(disp_res, "2"); if (gp2xclock > 0) { if (gp2x_speed(gp2xclock)) { jzp_printf("Clock rate %d unsupported.\n", gp2xclock); exit(1); } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If the user specified a palette file, read it in. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (gfx_palette) { /* The internal names take precedence over external filenames. */ if (palette_get_by_name(gfx_palette, &cfg->palette) == 0) { /* continue */ } else { LZFILE *palette_file = path_fopen(rom_path, gfx_palette, "r"); if (!palette_file) { jzp_printf("Unable to locate palette '%s'\n", gfx_palette); exit(1); } else if (palette_load_file(palette_file, &cfg->palette)) { jzp_printf("Unable to parse palette '%s'\n", gfx_palette); exit(1); } lzoe_fclose(palette_file); } } else { int idx = cfg->pal_mode ? PALETTE_DEFAULT_PAL : PALETTE_DEFAULT_NTSC; if (palette_get_by_idx(idx, &cfg->palette)) { jzp_printf("Internal error configuring palette\n"); exit(1); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Sanity-check some of the flags. Most get checked by peripherals. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( (err_msg = cfg_parseres( disp_res, &rx, &ry, &rd )) != NULL ) { int i; fprintf(stderr, "%s\n" "Resolution string must be of the following forms:\n" "\n" " N where N is one of the built in resolutions\n" " WxH where W is display width and H is display height\n" " WxH,D where W is display width, H is display height, and D is color depth\n" "\n" "Width must be at least 320, and height must be at least 200. Color depth\n" "defaults to 8bpp. jzIntv supports 8bpp, 16bpp, 24bpp and 32bpp\n" "\n" "Valid built-in resolutions:\n\n", err_msg ); for (i = 0; i < NUM_RES; i++) { fprintf(stderr, " -z%d: %dx%dx%d\n", i, res_x[i], res_y[i], res_d[i]); } exit(1); } CONDFREE(disp_res); /* Establish border based on explicit values or "percentage" */ if (bx < 0) bx = bpct >= 0 ? (bpct * rx + 1) / 100 : 0; if (by < 0) by = bpct >= 0 ? (bpct * ry + 1) / 100 : 0; bx = (bx + 7) & ~7; /* Round horizontal border to multiple of 8 */ if ( gfx_check(rx, ry, rd, cfg->prescale) != 0 ) { exit(1); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Delay starting emulation if full-screen is specified and no other */ /* start delay is specified. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if FULLSC_START_DLY > 0 if (cfg->start_dly < 0 && (cfg->gfx_flags & GFX_FULLSC) != 0) cfg->start_dly = FULLSC_START_DLY; #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* He's a macho, macho duck. He's a macho, macho duck! */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (cfg->rate_ctl <= 0.01) { cfg->rate_ctl = 0; cfg->gfx_flags |= GFX_SKIP_EXTRA; } if (cfg->rate_ctl > 1.5) cfg->gfx_flags |= GFX_SKIP_EXTRA; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Default AVI rate to the same as rate_ctl unless explicitly given. */ /* In batch mode, consider rate_ctl == 0 to mean "1.0." */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ { if (cfg->avi_time_scale <= 0.01) cfg->avi_time_scale = cfg->rate_ctl > 0.0 ? cfg->rate_ctl : batch_mode ? 1.0 : 10000.0; double audio_time_scale = cfg->rate_ctl >= 0.0 ? cfg->rate_ctl : 1.0; if (batch_mode && cfg->rate_ctl == 0.0) audio_time_scale = 1.0; avi_set_time_scale(cfg->avi_time_scale, audio_time_scale); } #ifdef DIRECT_INTV2PC /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Look up INTV2PC port numbers, if any. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (cfg->i2pc0_port > 3 || cfg->i2pc1_port > 3) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: " "INTV2PC port number out of range. Valid values are 1..3 for\n" "typical ports for LPT1: through LPT3:, and 0 to disable.\n" "\n" "The following port numbers are selected by 1 through 3:\n" " 1 selects 0x%.3X\n" " 2 selects 0x%.3X\n" " 3 selects 0x%.3X\n" "\n", i2pc_ports[1], i2pc_ports[2], i2pc_ports[3]); exit(1); } if (cfg->i2pc0_port && cfg->i2pc0_port == cfg->i2pc1_port) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Cannot enable two INTV2PCs on same port #\n"); exit(1); } cfg->i2pc0_port = i2pc_ports[cfg->i2pc0_port]; cfg->i2pc1_port = i2pc_ports[cfg->i2pc1_port]; #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create a new peripheral bus for the Intellivision main console. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ cfg->intv = periph_new(16, 16, 4); strncpy(cfg->intv->periph.name, "MasterComponent", 16); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Now, configure the Intellivision according to our flags. Start */ /* off by reading in the EXEC, GROM, and GAME images. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ f = path_fopen(rom_path, cfg->fn_exec, "rb"); exec_type = 0; if (!f || file_read_rom16(f, 4096, cfg->exec_img) != 4096) { if (errno) perror("file_read_rom16"); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not read EXEC image '%s'\n", cfg->fn_exec); dump_search_path(rom_path); exit(1); } lzoe_fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); if (lzoe_ftell(f) == 2 * (4096 + 256)) { exec_type = 1; lzoe_fseek(f, 8192, SEEK_SET); if (file_read_rom16(f, 256, cfg->exec_img + 4096) != 256) { if (errno) perror("file_read_rom16"); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not read EXEC2 image '%s'\n", cfg->fn_exec); exit(1); } } else if (lzoe_ftell(f) == 2 * 8192) { exec_type = 2; /* INTV88 / TutorVision */ lzoe_fseek(f, 8192, SEEK_SET); if (file_read_rom16(f, 4096, cfg->exec_img + 4096) != 4096) { if (errno) perror("file_read_rom16"); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not read WBEXEC image '%s'\n", cfg->fn_exec); exit(1); } } lzoe_fclose(f); f = path_fopen(rom_path, cfg->fn_grom, "rb"); if (!f || file_read_rom8 (f, 2048, cfg->grom_img) != 2048) { if (errno) perror("file_read_rom8"); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not read GROM image '%s'\n", cfg->fn_grom); dump_search_path(rom_path); exit(1); } lzoe_fclose(f); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Once we know the EXEC type, adjust the GRAM size if necessary */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (cfg->gram_size < 0) cfg->gram_size = exec_type == 2 ? 2 : 0; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* XXX: Hack: If locutus == 1, then this is a LUIGI file. Short */ /* circuit everything and just read fn_game as a LUIGI file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (locutus) { int locutus_ecs, locutus_voice; if ( make_locutus( &(cfg->locutus), cfg->fn_game, &cfg->cp1600, 0, jlpsg ) ) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: make_locutus failed\n"); exit(1); } // JLP emulation for Locutus is handled entirely inside Locutus, and // must be specified within the LUIGI flags. The only thing the user // can provide is the name of the savegame file. jlp_accel = 0; jlp_flash = 0; // If the user didn't specify ECS and/or Intellivoice flags, pick them // up from the LUIGI file. Only enable ECS/Intellivoice if the game // is at least "enhanced" by the peripheral. locutus_ecs = get_locutus_compat_ecs ( &(cfg->locutus) ); locutus_voice = get_locutus_compat_voice( &(cfg->locutus) ); if (cfg->ecs_enable == -1 && locutus_ecs >= CMP_ENHANCED) cfg->ecs_enable = 1; else if (cfg->ecs_enable == 0 && locutus_ecs == CMP_REQUIRES) jzp_printf("\nWARNING: ECS explicitly disabled; " "however the game says the ECS is required.\n\n"); if (cfg->ivc_enable == -1 && locutus_voice >= CMP_ENHANCED) cfg->ivc_enable = 1; else if (cfg->ivc_enable == 0 && locutus_voice == CMP_REQUIRES) jzp_printf("\nWARNING: Intellivoice explicitly disabled; " "however the game says the \n" " Intellivoice is required.\n\n"); meta = get_locutus_metadata(&(cfg->locutus)); meta_needs_free = 1; goto locutus_loaded; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* First try to load it as a legacy ROM. If the legacy code decides */ /* it's not actually a BIN+CFG, it'll hand us back a .ROM filename. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ tmp = legacy_bincfg(&(cfg->legacy), rom_path, cfg->fn_game, &legacy_rom, &(cfg->cp1600), jlp_accel, jlp_flash, rand_mem); if (legacy_rom && cfg->legacy.bc->metadata) meta = cfg->legacy.bc->metadata; if (legacy_rom && cfg->legacy.bc->diags) { jzp_printf("\n"); bc_print_diag(jzp_printer(), cfg->legacy.bc->cfgfile, cfg->legacy.bc->diags, 0); jzp_printf("\n"); } if (tmp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize game\n"); exit(1); } CONDFREE(cfg->fn_game); cfg->fn_game = tmp; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If it wasn't a legacy ROM, it must be an Intellicart ROM. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (!legacy_rom) { /* not path_fopen, because legacy_bincfg should do that for us. */ if (!(f = lzoe_fopen(cfg->fn_game, "rb"))) { perror("fopen()"); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open Intellicart ROM:\n %s\n", cfg->fn_game); exit(1); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Process the Intellicart ROM itself. */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (icart_init(&cfg->icart, f, rand_mem)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to register Intellicart\n"); exit(1); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Grab a look-see on any metadata that was in there. */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (cfg->icart.rom.metadata) meta = cfg->icart.rom.metadata; lzoe_fclose(f); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Now that we've established the ROM path exactly, go see if we */ /* know anything about it, such as its name, what year it was made, */ /* and if it prefers to have voice / ECS turned on. If the user */ /* didn't specify voice on/off or ECS on/off, we'll use this info. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ { uint32_t crc32; int tentative_metadata = 0; crc32 = file_crc32(cfg->fn_game); if (!meta) { meta = default_game_metadata(); if (meta) { game_metadata_set_compat_to_unspec(meta); tentative_metadata = 1; meta_needs_free = 1; } } if (!find_cart_metadata(crc32, meta) && tentative_metadata) { free_game_metadata( meta ); meta = NULL; tentative_metadata = 0; meta_needs_free = 0; } } locutus_loaded: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Apply the game metadata to our defaults. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (meta) { game_metadata_set_unspec_compat_to_defaults(meta); if (cfg->ecs_enable == -1 && meta->ecs_compat >= CMP_ENHANCED) { cfg->ecs_enable = 1; /* Fall back to "no ECS" if game is merely "enhanced" by ECS. */ ecs_bin_fail_ok = meta->ecs_compat <= CMP_ENHANCED; } else if (cfg->ecs_enable == 0 && meta->ecs_compat == CMP_REQUIRES) jzp_printf("\nWARNING: ECS explicitly disabled; " "however the game says the ECS is required.\n\n"); if (cfg->ivc_enable == -1 && meta->voice_compat >= CMP_ENHANCED) cfg->ivc_enable = 1; else if (cfg->ivc_enable == 0 && meta->voice_compat == CMP_REQUIRES) jzp_printf("\nWARNING: Intellivoice explicitly disabled; " "however the game says the \n" " Intellivoice is required.\n\n"); if (jlp_accel == -1) jlp_accel = meta->jlp_accel; if (jlp_flash == -1) jlp_flash = meta->jlp_flash; print_metadata(meta); if (meta->name) cfg->cart_name = strdup(meta->name); /* If a build date is set, use its year as a default. */ if (meta->build_dates && meta->build_dates[0].year) cfg->cart_year = meta->build_dates[0].year; /* If a release date is set, use its year, and let it override the */ /* build date's year. */ if (meta->release_dates && meta->release_dates[0].year) cfg->cart_year = meta->release_dates[0].year; /* Free this metadata if we own it. */ if (meta_needs_free) free_game_metadata( meta ); meta = NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Try to load the ECS ROM image early, in case we need to fall back */ /* to ECS-disabled. That way, subsequent code that tests ecs_enable */ /* sees the correct state. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (cfg->ecs_enable > 0) { f = path_fopen(rom_path, cfg->fn_ecs, "rb"); if (!f || file_read_rom16(f, 12*1024, cfg->ecs_img) != 12*1024) { if (errno) perror("\nECS ROM"); if (ecs_bin_fail_ok) { cfg->ecs_enable = 0; jzp_printf( "\n" /* 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 */ "NOTE: Game is 'enhanced by' the ECS, and" " jzIntv tried to automatically enable\n" /* 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 */ " ECS support. However, jzIntv was " "unable to load the ECS ROM.\n\n" /* 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 */ " Disabling ECS support.\n\n"); goto skip_ecs; } fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not read ECS ROM image '%s'\n", cfg->fn_ecs); dump_search_path(rom_path); exit(1); } lzoe_fclose(f); } skip_ecs:; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Load any requested cheats. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for (int i = 0; i < cheat_cnt; ++i) { if (cheat_add(&cfg->cheat, cheat_str[i], cheat_idx[i])) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to parse cheat arg '%s'.\n", cheat_str[i]); exit(1); } CONDFREE(cheat_str[i]); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* On the Wii, default to the ECS keyboard bindings if ECS is enabled */ /* since controller input will come from actual Wii controllers. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (PLAT_WII && cfg->ecs_enable > 0) initial_event_map = 2; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Initialize the peripherals. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ jzp_printf("jzintv: Initializing Master Component and peripherals...\n"); #ifdef DIRECT_INTV2PC if (cfg->i2pc0_port > 0 && pad_intv2pc_init(&cfg->i2pc0, 0x1F0, cfg->i2pc0_port)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize INTV2PC #0 at 0x%.3X\n", cfg->i2pc0_port); exit(1); } if (cfg->ecs_enable > 0 && cfg->i2pc1_port && pad_intv2pc_init(&cfg->i2pc1, 0x0F0, cfg->i2pc1_port)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize INTV2PC #1 at 0x%.3X\n", cfg->i2pc1_port); exit(1); } #endif if (cfg->cgc0_num >= 0 && pad_cgc_init(&cfg->cgc0, 0x1F0, cfg->cgc0_num, cfg->cgc0_dev)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize CGC #%d as pad pair 0\n", cfg->cgc0_num); exit(1); } if (cfg->ecs_enable > 0 && cfg->cgc1_num >= 0 && pad_cgc_init(&cfg->cgc1, 0x0F0, cfg->cgc1_num, cfg->cgc0_dev)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize CGC #%d as pad pair 1\n", cfg->cgc1_num); exit(1); } if (emu_link_init()) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize EMU_LINK\n"); exit(1); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Enable the Emu-Link File I/O if requested. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (elfi_prefix) if (elfi_init(elfi_prefix)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize Emu-Link File I/O\n"); exit(1); } if (demofile && demo_init(&cfg->demo, demofile, &cfg->psg0, cfg->ecs_enable > 0 ? &cfg->psg1 : 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize demo recorder\n"); exit(1); } if (jlp_accel > 0 && jlp_init(&cfg->jlp, jlpsg, &(cfg->cp1600.xr[0]), jlp_accel, jlp_flash, rand_mem)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize JLP.\n" "jlp_accel=%d jlp_flash=%d savegame='%s'\n", jlp_accel, jlp_flash, jlpsg ? jlpsg : "(none)"); exit(1); } if (gfx_init(&cfg->gfx, rx, ry, rd, cfg->gfx_flags, gfx_verbose, cfg->prescale, bx, by, cfg->pal_mode, &cfg->avi, cfg->audio_rate, &cfg->palette)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize graphics\n"); exit(1); } if (cfg->audio_rate && snd_init(&cfg->snd, cfg->audio_rate, audiofile, snd_buf_size, snd_buf_cnt, &cfg->avi, cfg->pal_mode, cfg->rate_ctl)) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Failed to initialize sound. Disabled.\n"); cfg->audio_rate = 0; } if (cp1600_init(&cfg->cp1600, 0x1000, 0x1004, rand_mem)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize CP-1610 CPU\n"); exit(1); } if (mem_make_ram (&cfg->scr_ram, 8, 0x0100, 8, rand_mem) || mem_make_ram (&cfg->sys_ram, 16, 0x0200, 9, rand_mem) /* || mem_make_glitch_ram(&cfg->glt_ram, 0xD000, 12) || mem_make_ram (&cfg->gram, 8, 0x3800, 9)*/) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize RAMs\n"); exit(1); } if (exec_type == 1 && mem_make_9600a(&cfg->sys_ram2, 0x0300, 8)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize RAMs\n"); exit(1); } if (exec_type == 2 && mem_make_ram(&cfg->sys_ram2, 16, 0x0400, 8, rand_mem)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize RAMs\n"); exit(1); } if (stic_init(&cfg->stic, cfg->grom_img, &cfg->cp1600.req_q, &cfg->gfx, demofile ? &cfg->demo : NULL, rand_mem, cfg->pal_mode, cfg->gram_size, exec_type == 2 ? STIC_STIC1A : STIC_8900)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize STIC\n"); exit(1); } if (cfg->ecs_enable > 0 && ecs_init(&cfg->ecs, cfg->ecs_img, &cfg->cp1600, rand_mem, fn_ecs_tape, fn_ecs_printer)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize ECS\n"); exit(1); } CONDFREE(fn_ecs_tape); CONDFREE(fn_ecs_printer); if (ay8910_init(&cfg->psg0, 0x1F0, &cfg->snd, cfg->audio_rate, cfg->psg_window, cfg->accutick, cfg->rate_ctl > 0.0 ? cfg->rate_ctl : 1.0, cfg->pal_mode, &cfg->cp1600.periph.now)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize PSG#1 (AY8914)\n"); exit(1); } if (cfg->ecs_enable > 0 && ay8910_init(&cfg->psg1, 0x0F0, &cfg->snd, cfg->audio_rate, cfg->psg_window, cfg->accutick, cfg->rate_ctl > 0.0 ? cfg->rate_ctl : 1.0, cfg->pal_mode, &cfg->cp1600.periph.now)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize PSG#2 (AY8914)\n"); exit(1); } if (pad_init(&cfg->pad0, 0x1F0, PAD_INPUT_ONLY)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize game pads\n"); exit(1); } if (cfg->ecs_enable > 0 && pad_init(&cfg->pad1, 0x0F0, PAD_BIDIR)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to ECS input device\n"); exit(1); } if (cfg->rate_ctl > 0.0 && speed_init(&cfg->speed, &cfg->gfx, &cfg->stic, busywaits, cfg->rate_ctl, cfg->pal_mode)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize rate control.\n"); exit(1); } if (cfg->debugging && debug_init(&cfg->debug, &cfg->cp1600, cfg->rate_ctl > 0.0 ? &cfg->speed : NULL, &cfg->gfx, &cfg->stic, &cfg->event, debug_symtbl, &cfg->stic.vid_enable, debug_script, &cfg->do_exit)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize debugger\n"); exit(1); } if (joy_init(1, joy_cfg)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize joystick subsystem.\n"); exit(1); } if (event_init(&cfg->event, enable_mouse, initial_event_map, &cfg->do_evt_map_chgd)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize event subsystem.\n"); exit(1); } /* We must configure event bindings after initializing event subsystem. */ if (cfg_setbind(cfg, kbdhackfile)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize key bindings\n"); exit(1); } if (cfg->ivc_enable > 0 && cfg->audio_rate > 0 && ivoice_init(&cfg->ivoice, 0x80, &cfg->snd, cfg->audio_rate, cfg->ivc_window, cfg->ivc_tname, cfg->pal_mode, cfg->rate_ctl > 0.0 ? cfg->rate_ctl : 1.0)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize Intellivoice\n"); exit(1); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Note: We handle the EXEC ROM specially, since it's weird on */ /* the Intellivision 2. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (exec_type == 0) { if (mem_make_rom(&cfg->exec, 16, 0x1000, 12, cfg->exec_img)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize EXEC ROM\n"); exit(1); } } else if (exec_type == 1) { if (mem_make_rom(&cfg->exec, 16, 0x1000, 12, cfg->exec_img+256) || mem_make_rom(&cfg->exec2, 16, 0x0400, 8, cfg->exec_img)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize EXEC2 ROM\n"); exit(1); } } else if (exec_type == 2) { if (mem_make_rom(&cfg->exec, 16, 0x1000, 12, cfg->exec_img) || mem_make_rom(&cfg->exec2, 16, 0x2000, 12, cfg->exec_img + 4096)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize WBEXEC ROM\n"); exit(1); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Now register all the devices on the Intellivision's bus. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define P(x) cfg->intv, AS_PERIPH(&cfg->x) periph_register (P(cp1600 ), 0x0000, 0x0000, "CP-1610" ); periph_register (P(psg0 ), 0x01F0, 0x01FF, "PSG0 AY8914" ); if (cfg->ecs_enable > 0) periph_register(P(psg1 ), 0x00F0, 0x00FF, "PSG1 AY8914" ); if (cfg->ivc_enable > 0 && cfg->audio_rate) periph_register(P(ivoice ), 0x0080, 0x0081, "Int. Voice" ); periph_register (P(gfx ), 0x0000, 0x0000, "[Graphics]" ); if (cfg->audio_rate) periph_register(P(snd ), 0x0000, 0x0000, "[Sound]" ); periph_register (P(scr_ram ), 0x0100, 0x01EF, "Scratch RAM" ); /* periph_register (P(glt_ram ), 0xD000, 0xDFFF, "GLITCH RAM" );*/ switch (exec_type) { case 0: { periph_register(P(sys_ram ), 0x0200, 0x035F, "System RAM" ); periph_register(P(exec ), 0x1000, 0x1FFF, "EXEC ROM" ); break; } case 1: { periph_register(P(sys_ram ), 0x0200, 0x035F, "System RAM" ); periph_register(P(sys_ram2 ), 0x0360, 0x03FF, "System RAM B"); periph_register(P(exec ), 0x1000, 0x1FFF, "EXEC2 main" ); periph_register(P(exec2 ), 0x0400, 0x04FF, "EXEC2 aux." ); break; } case 2: { periph_register(P(sys_ram ), 0x0200, 0x03FF, "System RAM" ); periph_register(P(sys_ram2 ), 0x0400, 0x04FF, "System RAM B"); periph_register(P(exec ), 0x1000, 0x1FFF, "EXEC ROM" ); periph_register(P(exec2 ), 0x2000, 0x2FFF, "WBEXEC ROM" ); break; } default: { jzp_printf("Unknown EXEC type %d\n", exec_type); exit(1); } } if (cfg->ecs_enable > 0) ecs_register(&cfg->ecs, cfg->intv); periph_register (P(pad0 ), 0x01F0, 0x01FF, "Pad Pair 0" ); if (cfg->ecs_enable > 0) periph_register(P(pad1 ), 0x00F0, 0x00FF, "Pad Pair 1" ); if (cfg->i2pc0_port) periph_register(P(i2pc0 ), 0x01F0, 0x01FF, "INTV2PC #0" ); if (cfg->i2pc1_port && cfg->ecs_enable > 0) periph_register(P(i2pc1 ), 0x00F0, 0x00FF, "INTV2PC #1" ); if (cfg->cgc0_num >= 0) periph_register(P(cgc0 ), 0x01F0, 0x01FF, "CGC #0" ); if (cfg->cgc1_num >= 0 && cfg->ecs_enable > 0) periph_register(P(cgc1 ), 0x00F0, 0x00FF, "CGC #1" ); periph_register (P(stic.stic_cr ), 0x0000, 0x007F, "STIC" ); if (exec_type != 2) { periph_register(P(stic.stic_cr ), 0x4000, 0x403F, "STIC (alias)"); periph_register(P(stic.stic_cr ), 0x8000, 0x803F, "STIC (alias)"); periph_register(P(stic.stic_cr ), 0xC000, 0xC03F, "STIC (alias)"); } periph_register (P(stic.snoop_btab), 0x0200, 0x02EF, "STIC (BTAB)" ); periph_register (P(stic.snoop_gram), 0x3000, 0x3FFF, "GROM/GRAM" ); if (exec_type != 2 && cfg->ecs_enable < 1) { periph_register(P(stic.alias_gram), 0x7800, 0x7FFF, "GRAM (alias)"); periph_register(P(stic.alias_gram), 0xB800, 0xBFFF, "GRAM (alias)"); periph_register(P(stic.alias_gram), 0xF800, 0xFFFF, "GRAM (alias)"); } periph_register (P(event ), 0x0000, 0x0000, "[Event]" ); if (cfg->rate_ctl > 0.0) periph_register(P(speed ), 0x0000, 0x0000, "[Rate Ctrl]" ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Register the game ROMs, or the Intellicart, as the case may be. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (locutus) { periph_register(P(locutus), 0x0000, 0xFFFF, "Locutus"); } else if (legacy_rom) { legacy_register(&cfg->legacy, cfg->intv, &cfg->cp1600); } else { icart_register(&cfg->icart, cfg->intv, &cfg->cp1600, cache_flags); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Mark the ROMs cacheable in the CPU. Mark the 16-bit RAM as cache- */ /* able, but in need of bus-snoop support. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ cp1600_cacheable(&cfg->cp1600, 0x0200, 0x035F, 1); cp1600_cacheable(&cfg->cp1600, 0x1000, 0x1FFF, 0); cp1600_cacheable(&cfg->cp1600, 0x3000, 0x37FF, 0); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If JLP save-games are enabled, install the JLP neccessary portion */ /* of the JLP RAM window at $9C80 to $9FFF. JLP games that use the */ /* SG support need to NOT declare RAM in this space!!! */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (jlp_accel > 0) periph_register(P(jlp ), 0x8000, 0x9FFF, "JLP Support" ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Register the debugger. This _must_ be done last. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (cfg->debugging) periph_register(P(debug ), 0x0000, 0xFFFF, "[Debugger]" ); #if 0 { f = fopen("ser.txt", "w"); if (f) ser_print_hierarchy(f, NULL, 0, 0); } #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Load the source mapping if given one. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (cfg->debugging && debug_srcmap) process_source_map(debug_srcmap); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Register the cheat engine if we have any cheats. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (cheat_active(&cfg->cheat)) periph_register(P(cheat), 0x0000, 0x0000, "[Cheat]"); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Free up all of our temporary variables. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CONDFREE(audiofile); CONDFREE(kbdhackfile); CONDFREE(demofile); CONDFREE(jlpsg); CONDFREE(debug_symtbl); CONDFREE(debug_srcmap); CONDFREE(elfi_prefix); return; } /* ======================================================================== */ /* CFG_DTOR -- Tear down a configured Intellivision. */ /* ======================================================================== */ void cfg_dtor(cfg_t *cfg) { periph_delete(cfg->intv); CONDFREE(cfg->ivc_tname); CONDFREE(cfg->cgc0_dev); CONDFREE(cfg->cgc1_dev); CONDFREE(cfg->fn_exec); CONDFREE(cfg->fn_game); CONDFREE(cfg->fn_grom); CONDFREE(cfg->fn_ecs); CONDFREE(cfg->cart_name); elfi_dtor(); memset(cfg, 0, sizeof(cfg_t)); } /* ======================================================================== */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU */ /* General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along */ /* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., */ /* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* ======================================================================== */ /* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Joseph Zbiciak */ /* ======================================================================== */