Everything below the line is a historical README file written during development of Space Patrol (back when it was named LunarMP). I'm keeping it here for historical purposes. And for the record, LunarMP stood for Lunar Military Police. --JZ _______________________________________________________________________________ Currently defined keys: [0] Exit [1] Draw crater scene [3] Draw city scene [4] Flash red caution [5] Flash green caution [6] Flash pink caution [7] Back one checkpoint [8] Restart current checkpoint [9] Next checkpoint Upper Action: Fire Lower Action: Jump DISC: Speed up / slow down. Here's a map to what's in LunarMP: . |-- README.txt This file | |-- Makefile Linux Makefile to build LunarMP |-- build.bat DOS batch file to build LunarMP |-- dbgmac.cfg Debug helpers for INTVPC | |-- lunar_mp.asm | |-- bin Where the generated binaries go | |-- lunar_mp.bin | |-- lunar_mp.cfg | |-- lunar_mp.lst | |-- lunar_mp.rom | `-- lunar_mp.sym | |-- engine Various engines: Graphics, world, sound, bad guy | |-- engine1.asm Very time-sensitive graphics engine | |-- engine2.asm Less time-sensitive world engine | `-- soundeng.asm Sound / music engine | |-- bg Bad Guys! | | | |-- bgmpind.asm Indirect lookup table for Bad Guy Motion Programs | |-- bgthink.asm Bad Guy thinker routines, except for saucers | |-- bgsaucer.asm Saucer AI (reads saucer control tables) | `-- bgengine.asm Bad Guy engine top-level | |-- bgmp Bad Guy Motion Programs (Saucer Control Tables) | `-- test.sct Current test saucer control tables | |-- game Additional game logic | `-- ckpoint.asm Checkpoint display screen (not currently used) | |-- gfx Graphics-related data | |-- mobattr.asm MOB attributes for all MOBs | |-- rcsdata.asm Metadata for rocks and craters | |-- rockcrat.asm Graphics for rocks and craters | |-- spin.asm Graphics for white spinner | |-- lmptitle.asm Graphics for title badge | |-- midcity.asm Graphics for middle section: City scene | |-- midmount.asm Graphics for middle section: Mountain/crater scene | `-- topmount.asm Graphics for top section | |-- macro Handy macros | |-- gfx.mac | |-- print.mac | `-- stic.mac | |-- os RTOS-like functionality | |-- main_os.asm Main scheduler | |-- scanhand.asm Hand controller scanner | |-- taskq.asm Async task queue and idle loop | `-- rand.asm Random number generator | |-- snd Sound/Music files | |-- lmp_sfx.asm Sound effects and top level registry for music | |-- music.asm Top level wrapper for music | `-- mp.asm Moon Patrol main theme | |-- util Utility functions (same as SDK-1600 equiv) | |-- fillmem.asm | |-- hex16.asm | |-- print.asm | |-- prnum16.asm | `-- prnum32.asm | |-- misc Dumping ground for anything else | `-- sega.asm Inty title animation | |-- gfxsrc Source files for generating many of the graphics | |-- crat1 Small crater | |-- crat2 Large crater | |-- rock1 Small rock | |-- rock2 Medium rock | |-- rock3 Large rock | |-- midcity Middle-section graphic: City | |-- midmount Middle-section graphic: Crater/mountain | `-- topmount Top section graphic: Mountains | |-- fonts Fonts / graphic pictures | |-- creep.fnt | |-- digit.fnt | |-- game.fnt | |-- joe.fnt | |-- misc.fnt | |-- mountain.fnt | |-- sega.fnt | `-- tank.fnt | |-- world World data and related tables. | | | | The world-data files have a very simple format. | | See "c/wasm3.c" for the format. | | | |-- beg_a_e.wr3 Beginner's Course, A-E | |-- beg_f_j.wr3 Beginner's Course, F-J | |-- beg_k_o.wr3 Beginner's Course, K-O | |-- beg_p_t.wr3 Beginner's Course, P-T | |-- beg_u_z.wr3 Beginner's Course, U-Z | |-- demolvl.wr3 Extra, for testing plants | | | |-- chl_a_e.wr3 Challenge Course, A-E | |-- chl_f_j.wr3 Challenge Course, F-J | |-- chl_k_o.wr3 Challenge Course, K-O | |-- chl_p_t.wr3 Challenge Course, P-T | |-- chl_u_z.wr3 Challenge Course, U-Z | | | |-- spawns.asm Spawn tables describing types of spawns | `-- world.asm Top level world wrapper | |-- musicsrc | |-- chicken.txt Chicken Dance | |-- moonptrl.txt Moon Patrol theme | `-- patrol.rgn | |-- genasm Generated assembly, generated from .fnt, .wr3, etc. | |-- beg_a_e.asm | |-- beg_f_j.asm | |-- beg_k_o.asm | |-- beg_p_t.asm | |-- beg_u_z.asm | |-- creepfnt.asm | |-- demolvl.asm | |-- font.asm | |-- joefnt.asm | |-- sctbl.asm | `-- spawns.asm | |-- exe DOS/Linux executables for helper utilities | |-- fixcfg.exe | |-- makemmnt.exe | |-- makerock.exe | |-- maketmnt.exe | |-- mkfont16 | |-- mkfont16.exe | |-- pm16.exe | |-- profile.exe | |-- rom2bin.exe | |-- sctc | |-- sctc.exe | `-- wasm3.exe | |-- c C source for little helper utilities | |-- config.h | |-- crc16.c | |-- crc16.h | |-- fixcfg.c | |-- icartrom.c | |-- icartrom.h | |-- jumprock.c | |-- makecity.c | |-- makemmnt.c | |-- makerock.c | |-- maketmnt.c | |-- mkfont16.c | |-- pm16.c | |-- profile.c | |-- rom2bin.c | |-- sctc.c | `-- wasm3.c | `-- _exrc Preferred editor settings for VIM