;;==========================================================================;; ;; Joe Zbiciak's SCANHAND DEMO ;; ;; Copyright 2002, Joe Zbiciak, intvnut AT gmail.com. ;; ;; http://spatula-city.org/~im14u2c/intv/ ;; ;;==========================================================================;; ;* ======================================================================== *; ;* TO BUILD IN BIN+CFG FORMAT: *; ;* as1600 -o handdemo.bin -l handdemo.lst handdemo.asm *; ;* *; ;* TO BUILD IN ROM FORMAT: *; ;* as1600 -o handdemo.rom -l handdemo.lst handdemo.asm *; ;* ======================================================================== *; ;* ======================================================================== *; ;* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *; ;* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *; ;* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *; ;* (at your option) any later version. *; ;* *; ;* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *; ;* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *; ;* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU *; ;* General Public License for more details. *; ;* *; ;* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *; ;* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *; ;* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *; ;* ======================================================================== *; ;* Copyright (c) 2002, Joseph Zbiciak *; ;* ======================================================================== *; CFGVAR "name" = "SDK-1600 Hand Controller Scanning Demo" CFGVAR "short_name" = "Hand Ctrl Demo" CFGVAR "author" = "Joe Zbiciak" CFGVAR "year" = 2002 CFGVAR "license" = "GPLv2+" CFGVAR "description" = "Demonstrates hand controller scanning routines." CFGVAR "publisher" = "SDK-1600" ROMW 16 ; Use 16-bit ROM ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Include system information ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INCLUDE "../library/gimini.asm" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Global constants and configuration. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TSKQM EQU $7 ; Task queue is 8 entries large SCAN_ECS EQU 1 ; Allow scanning ECS hand controllers ; comment out SCAN_ECS to build w/out ECS. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Allocate 8-bit variables in Scratch RAM ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCRATCH ORG $100, $100, "-RWBN" ISRVEC RMB 2 ; Always at $100 / $101 ; Task-oriented 8-bit variables TSKQHD RMB 1 ; Task queue head TSKQTL RMB 1 ; Task queue tail TSKDQ RMB 2*(TSKQM+1) ; Task data queue ; Hand-controller 8-bit variables SH_TMP RMB 1 ; Temp storage. SH_LR0 RMB 3 ;\ SH_FL0 EQU SH_LR0 + 1 ; |-- Three bytes for left controller SH_LV0 EQU SH_LR0 + 2 ;/ SH_LR1 RMB 3 ;\ SH_FL1 EQU SH_LR1 + 1 ; |-- Three bytes for right controller SH_LV1 EQU SH_LR1 + 2 ;/ IF DEFINED SCAN_ECS SH_LR2 RMB 3 ;\ SH_FL2 EQU SH_LR2 + 1 ; |-- Three bytes for ECS left controller SH_LV2 EQU SH_LR2 + 2 ;/ SH_LR3 RMB 3 ;\ SH_FL3 EQU SH_LR3 + 1 ; |-- Three bytes for ECS right controller SH_LV3 EQU SH_LR3 + 2 ;/ ENDI _SCRATCH EQU $ ; end of scratch area ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Allocate 16-bit variables in System RAM ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SYSTEM ORG $2F0, $2F0, "-RWBN" STACK RMB 32 ; Reserve 32 words for the stack ; Task-oriented 16-bit variables TSKQ RMB (TSKQM + 1) ; Task queue ; Hand-controller 16-bit variables SHDISP RMB 1 ; ScanHand dispatch ; STIC shadow STICSH RMB 24 ; Room for X, Y, and A regs only. _SYSTEM EQU $ ; end of system area ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; EXEC-friendly ROM header. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ORG $5000 ; Use default memory map ROMHDR: BIDECLE ZERO ; MOB picture base (points to NULL list) BIDECLE ZERO ; Process table (points to NULL list) BIDECLE MAIN ; Program start address BIDECLE ZERO ; Bkgnd picture base (points to NULL list) BIDECLE ONES ; GRAM pictures (points to NULL list) BIDECLE TITLE ; Cartridge title/date DECLE $03C0 ; No ECS title, run code after title, ; ... no clicks ZERO: DECLE $0000 ; Screen border control DECLE $0000 ; 0 = color stack, 1 = f/b mode ONES: DECLE C_BLU, C_BLU ; Initial color stack 0 and 1: Blue DECLE C_BLU, C_BLU ; Initial color stack 2 and 3: Blue DECLE C_BLU ; Initial border color: Blue ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; TITLE -- Display our modified title screen & copyright date. ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; TITLE: PROC STRING 102 ;01234567890123456789 STRING ' Hand Controller ' STRING ' Scanning Demo ' STRING ' ', 0 BEGIN ; Patch the title string to say '=JRMZ=' instead of Mattel. CALL PRINT.FLS ; Write string (ptr in R5) DECLE C_WHT, $23D ; White, Point to 'Mattel' in top-left STRING '=JRMZ=' ; Guess who? :-) STRING ' Productions' BYTE 0 CALL PRINT.FLS ; Write string (ptr in R1) DECLE C_WHT, $2D0 ; White, Point to 'Mattel' in lower-right STRING '2002 =JRMZ=' ; Guess who? :-) BYTE 0 ; Done. RETURN ; Return to EXEC for title screen display ENDP ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; MAIN: Here's our main program code. ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; MAIN: PROC DIS MVII #STACK, R6 ; Set up our stack MVII #$25D, R1 ;\ MVII #$102, R4 ; |-- Clear all of memory CALL FILLZERO ;/ MVII #INITISR, R0 ;\ Do GRAM initialization in ISR. MVO R0, ISRVEC ; |__ INITISR will the point to the SWAP R0 ; | regular ISR when it's done. MVO R0, ISRVEC+1;/ EIS MVII #HAND, R0 ;\__ Set up scanhand dispatch table MVO R0, SHDISP ;/ @@loop: ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ;; Display the controller status screen. ;; ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; CALL PRINT.FLS DECLE C_WHT, $200 ;01234567890123456789 STRING " L R L R ",0 CALL PRINT.FLS DECLE C_TAN, $200 + 20 ;01234567890123456789 ; ".123..123..123..123." STRING 231, "123", 230 STRING 231, "123", 230 STRING 231, "123", 230 STRING 231, "123", 230 STRING " 456 456 456 456 " ; ".789..789..789..789." STRING 231, "789", 230 STRING 231, "789", 230 STRING 231, "789", 230 STRING 231, "789", 230 STRING " C0E C0E C0E C0E " ; " /#\ /#\ /#\ /#\ " STRING " ",152, 241, 153, " " STRING " ",152, 241, 153, " " STRING " ",152, 241, 153, " " STRING " ",152, 241, 153, " " ; " ### ### ### ### " STRING " ",196, 127, 197, " " STRING " ",196, 127, 197, " " STRING " ",196, 127, 197, " " STRING " ",196, 127, 197, " " ; " \#/ \#/ \#/ \#/ " STRING " ",154, 240, 155, " " STRING " ",154, 240, 155, " " STRING " ",154, 240, 155, " " STRING " ",154, 240, 155, " ", 0 CALL PRINT.FLS DECLE C_GRN, $200 + 8*20 STRING " --- --- --- --- " STRING " --- --- --- --- " STRING " --- --- --- --- ", 0 CALL PRINT.FLS DECLE X_WHT, $200 + 11*20 STRING " MASTER E.C.S. ",0 ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ;; Go fix color-stack down columns, so that controllers are ;; ;; brown and rest of screen is blue ;; ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; MVII #$200 + 20 + 1, R4 MVII #STIC.cs_advance, R2 MOVR R4, R5 MVII #7 * 4, R1 @@cslp: MVI@ R4, R0 XORR R2, R0 MVO@ R0, R5 ADDI #2, R4 ADDI #2, R5 MVI@ R4, R0 XORR R2, R0 MVO@ R0, R5 INCR R4 INCR R5 DECR R1 BNEQ @@cslp ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ;; Fall into the RUNQ. We should never exit the RUNQ in this ;; ;; demo, since we never call SCHEDEXIT. ;; ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; CALL RUNQ ; Run until a SCHEDEXIT happens ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ;; If a SCHEDEXIT *does* happen (say, due to a bug), crash ;; ;; gracefully. ;; ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; CALL PRINT.FLS DECLE C_RED, $200 + 11*20 ;01234567890123456789 STRING "SCHEDEXIT WAS CALLED",0 DECR PC ; Can't get here ENDP ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; HAND Dispatch table. ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; HAND PROC DECLE HIT_KEYPAD DECLE HIT_ACTION DECLE HIT_DISC ENDP ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; CALC_OFS -- Return 5 * controller number in R3. ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; CALC_OFS PROC MOVR R2, R3 ANDI #$FF00, R3 SLL R3, 2 ADDR R2, R3 SWAP R3 ANDI #$00FF, R3 JR R5 ENDP ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; HIT_KEYPAD -- Someone hit a key on a keypad. ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; HIT_KEYPAD PROC PSHR R5 PSHR R2 ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ;; Display the event's numeric information onscreen. ;; ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; CALL CALC_OFS ;\ MVII #$200 + 1, R4 ; |- Go to correct column by controller # ADDR R3, R4 ;/ PSHR R4 ; Save column pointer ADDI #8 * 20, R4 ; Offset to "keypad" row CALL SHOW_IT ; Show the event. ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ;; Now show the event on the little controller picture. ;; ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; PULR R4 ;\__ offset to top of keypad ADDI #20, R4 ;/ ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ;; Is this a key-release or a new key? ;; ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; PULR R2 ANDI #$FF, R2 ; ignore controller # bits now. CMPI #$80, R2 ; Is it key release? BLT @@new_key ; If it's >= $80, it is. Otherwise no. ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ;; Clear out any previously displayed keys. ;; ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; MVII #4, R0 MVII #$FFF8, R1 MVII #C_TAN, R2 MOVR R4, R5 @@clr_lp: MVI@ R4, R3 ; get character ANDR R1, R3 ; remove color XORR R2, R3 ; make it TAN MVO@ R3, R5 ; store character MVI@ R4, R3 ; get character ANDR R1, R3 ; remove color XORR R2, R3 ; make it TAN MVO@ R3, R5 ; store character MVI@ R4, R3 ; get character ANDR R1, R3 ; remove color XORR R2, R3 ; make it TAN MVO@ R3, R5 ; store character ADDI #17, R4 ; move to next row MOVR R4, R5 DECR R0 ; do four rows BNEQ @@clr_lp PULR PC ; Done! ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ;; Display the newly received key event. ;; ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; @@new_key: ADDI #@@ofs, R2 ; Turn key number into display offset ADD@ R2, R4 ; Generate pointer to number MVI@ R4, R0 ; Get the number ANDI #$FFF8, R0 ; Clear out the color XORI #C_WHT, R0 ; Make it white DECR R4 ;\__ Display the key in white MVO@ R0, R4 ;/ PULR PC ; Done! @@ofs: DECLE 3*20 + 1 ; 0 DECLE 0*20 + 0, 0*20 + 1, 0*20 + 2 ; 1 2 3 DECLE 1*20 + 0, 1*20 + 1, 1*20 + 2 ; 4 5 6 DECLE 2*20 + 0, 2*20 + 1, 2*20 + 2 ; 7 8 9 DECLE 3*20 + 0, 3*20 + 2 ; C E ENDP ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; HIT_ACTION -- Someone hit a key on a keypad. ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; HIT_ACTION PROC PSHR R5 PSHR R2 ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ;; Display the event's numeric information onscreen. ;; ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; CALL CALC_OFS ;\ MVII #$200 + 1, R4 ; |- Go to correct column by controller # ADDR R3, R4 ;/ PSHR R4 ; Save column pointer ADDI #9 * 20, R4 ; Offset to "action" row CALL SHOW_IT ; Show the event. PULR R4 PULR R2 ANDI #$FF, R2 ; Ignore controller number now. ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ;; Now, update the four action button pictures. ;; ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; @@show_act: MOVR R4, R3 MVII #$FFF8, R1 ; color-clearing mask MVII #C_TAN, R4 ; Default: Tan DECR R2 ; Is it the top action button(s)? (R2 == 1) BNEQ @@not_top MVII #C_WHT, R4 @@not_top: ADDI #19, R3 ; point to top-left button MVI@ R3, R0 ; Get top-left ANDR R1, R0 ; Clear color XORR R4, R0 ; set to white or tan MVO@ R0, R3 ; store top-left ADDI #4, R3 ; point to top-right button MVI@ R3, R0 ; Get top-right ANDR R1, R0 ; clear color XORR R4, R0 ; set to white or tan MVO@ R0, R3 ; store top-right MVII #C_TAN, R4 ; Default: Tan DECR R2 ; Is it the lower-left button? (R2 == 2) BNEQ @@not_lft MVII #C_WHT, R4 @@not_lft: ADDI #36, R3 ; Point to lower-left button MVI@ R3, R0 ; Get lower-left ANDR R1, R0 ; Clear color XORR R4, R0 ; set to white or tan MVO@ R0, R3 ; store lower-left MVII #C_TAN, R4 ; Default: Tan DECR R2 ; Is it the right-left button? (R2 == 3) BNEQ @@not_rgt MVII #C_WHT, R4 @@not_rgt: ADDI #4, R3 ; Point to lower-right button MVI@ R3, R0 ; Get lower-right ANDR R1, R0 ; Clear color XORR R4, R0 ; set to white or tan MVO@ R0, R3 ; store lower-right PULR PC ENDP ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; HIT_DISC -- Someone hit a key on a keypad. ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; HIT_DISC PROC PSHR R5 PSHR R2 ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ;; Display the event's numeric information onscreen. ;; ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; CALL CALC_OFS MOVR R3, R4 PSHR R4 ADDI #$200 + 1 + 10*20, R4 CALL SHOW_IT PULR R4 ; Controller number * 5 PULR R2 ; Full event information MOVR R2, R1 ;\ SWAP R1 ; |__ Separate into R1 == controller # ANDI #$3, R1 ; | and R2 == direction. ANDI #$FF, R2 ;/ ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ;; If DISC is released, clear the arrow for the DISC. ;; ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; CMPI #$80, R2 BLT @@pressed ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ;; Released, so clear MOB #n, where n == controller #. ;; ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; CLRR R0 ADDI #STICSH,R1 ; point R1 at STIC shadow for MOB #n MVO@ R0, R1 ; clear X register ADDI #8, R1 MVO@ R0, R1 ; clear Y register ADDI #8, R1 MVO@ R0, R1 ; clear A register PULR PC ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ;; Display an arrow onscreen to show what direction the DISC ;; ;; is pointing. ;; ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; @@pressed: MOVR R4, R3 ;\ SLL R3, 2 ; |-- R3 = 40*controller # SLL R3, 1 ;/ MVII #@@arrows, R5 ; point to arrows ADDR R2, R5 ;\ ADDR R2, R5 ; |-- 3 decles per direction #. ADDR R2, R5 ;/ MVII #STICSH,R4 ;\__ point to shadow for MOB #n ADDR R1, R4 ;/ ADD@ R5, R3 ; Calculate X for MOB #n MVO@ R3, R4 ; Store to shadow X register ADDI #7, R4 MVI@ R5, R3 ; Get Y for MOB #n MVO@ R3, R4 ; Store to shadow Y register ADDI #7, R4 MVI@ R5, R3 ; Get A for MOB #n MVO@ R3, R4 ; Store to shadow X register PULR PC ; Done! ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ;; Lookup-table for the 16 arrows. Contains the X, Y, and A ;; ;; register settings for each of the 16 directions. Add the ;; ;; controller-specific X offset to the X value to display it ;; ;; correctly. ;; ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; @@arrows: @@0 DECLE 28 + STIC.mobx_visb DECLE 53 + STIC.moby_yres DECLE X_WHT + STIC.moba_gram + 0 * 16 @@1 DECLE 28 + STIC.mobx_visb DECLE 52 + STIC.moby_yres DECLE X_WHT + STIC.moba_gram + 1 * 16 @@2 DECLE 28 + STIC.mobx_visb DECLE 52 + STIC.moby_yres DECLE X_WHT + STIC.moba_gram + 2 * 16 @@3 DECLE 28 + STIC.mobx_visb DECLE 52 + STIC.moby_yres DECLE X_WHT + STIC.moba_gram + 3 * 16 @@4 DECLE 26 + STIC.mobx_visb DECLE 52 + STIC.moby_yres DECLE X_WHT + STIC.moba_gram + 4 * 16 @@5 DECLE 20 + STIC.mobx_visb DECLE 52 + STIC.moby_yres + STIC.moby_xflip DECLE X_WHT + STIC.moba_gram + 3 * 16 @@6 DECLE 20 + STIC.mobx_visb DECLE 52 + STIC.moby_yres + STIC.moby_xflip DECLE X_WHT + STIC.moba_gram + 2 * 16 @@7 DECLE 20 + STIC.mobx_visb DECLE 52 + STIC.moby_yres + STIC.moby_xflip DECLE X_WHT + STIC.moba_gram + 1 * 16 @@8 DECLE 20 + STIC.mobx_visb DECLE 53 + STIC.moby_yres + STIC.moby_xflip DECLE X_WHT + STIC.moba_gram + 0 * 16 @@9 DECLE 20 + STIC.mobx_visb DECLE 60 + STIC.moby_yres + STIC.moby_xflip + STIC.moby_yflip DECLE X_WHT + STIC.moba_gram + 1 * 16 @@10 DECLE 20 + STIC.mobx_visb DECLE 60 + STIC.moby_yres + STIC.moby_xflip + STIC.moby_yflip DECLE X_WHT + STIC.moba_gram + 2 * 16 @@11 DECLE 20 + STIC.mobx_visb DECLE 60 + STIC.moby_yres + STIC.moby_xflip + STIC.moby_yflip DECLE X_WHT + STIC.moba_gram + 3 * 16 @@12 DECLE 22 + STIC.mobx_visb DECLE 60 + STIC.moby_yres + STIC.moby_xflip + STIC.moby_yflip DECLE X_WHT + STIC.moba_gram + 4 * 16 @@13 DECLE 28 + STIC.mobx_visb DECLE 60 + STIC.moby_yres + STIC.moby_yflip DECLE X_WHT + STIC.moba_gram + 3 * 16 @@14 DECLE 28 + STIC.mobx_visb DECLE 60 + STIC.moby_yres + STIC.moby_yflip DECLE X_WHT + STIC.moba_gram + 2 * 16 @@15 DECLE 28 + STIC.mobx_visb DECLE 60 + STIC.moby_yres + STIC.moby_yflip DECLE X_WHT + STIC.moba_gram + 1 * 16 ENDP ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; SHOW_IT -- Show what we were passed. ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; SHOW_IT PROC PSHR R5 PSHR R2 PSHR R4 MVII #$200 + 8*20, R4 MOVR R4, R5 MVII #$FFFF XOR X_PUR, R2 MVII #C_GRN, R3 MVII #60, R1 @@grey: MVI@ R4, R0 ANDR R2, R0 XORR R3, R0 MVO@ R0, R5 DECR R1 BNEQ @@grey PULR R4 PULR R0 CLRR R2 MVO R2, $200 + 8*20 + 4 MVO R2, $200 + 9*20 + 4 MVO R2, $200 + 10*20 + 4 NOP MVO R2, $200 + 8*20 + 9 MVO R2, $200 + 9*20 + 9 MVO R2, $200 + 10*20 + 9 NOP MVO R2, $200 + 8*20 + 14 MVO R2, $200 + 9*20 + 14 MVO R2, $200 + 10*20 + 14 NOP MVO R2, $200 + 8*20 + 19 MVO R2, $200 + 9*20 + 19 MVO R2, $200 + 10*20 + 19 NOP MVII #C_YEL, R1 CALL HEX12 MVII #C_YEL + 10 * 8, R0 MVO@ R0, R4 PULR PC ENDP ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; ISR -- Just keep the screen on, and copy the STIC shadow over. ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; ISR PROC PSHR R5 MVO R0, STIC.viden ; Enable display MVI STIC.mode, R0 ; ...in color-stack mode MVII #C_BLU, R0 ;\ MVO R0, STIC.cs0 ; |__ Set display to blue MVO R0, STIC.cs2 ; | MVO R0, STIC.bord ;/ MVII #C_BRN, R0 ;\ MVO R0, STIC.cs1 ; |-- Set controllers to brown MVO R0, STIC.cs3 ;/ CALL MEMCPY ;\__ Copy over the STIC shadow. DECLE $0000, STICSH, 24 ;/ PULR PC ; return ENDP ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; INITISR -- Copy our GRAM image over, and then do the plain ISR. ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; INITISR PROC PSHR R5 CALL MEMCPY DECLE $3800, GRAMIMG, GRAMIMG.end - GRAMIMG MVII #ISR, R0 MVO R0, ISRVEC SWAP R0 MVO R0, ISRVEC + 1 PULR R5 B ISR ENDP ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; GRAMIMG -- Arrow pictures and other graphics to load into GRAM. ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; GRAMIMG PROC @@aro0: ; Left-pointing arrow DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00000100 DECLE %00000010 DECLE %11111111 DECLE %00000010 DECLE %00000100 @@aro1: ; 22.5-degree arrow DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00000111 DECLE %00000011 DECLE %00000101 DECLE %00001000 DECLE %00010000 DECLE %00100000 DECLE %01000000 DECLE %10000000 @@aro2: ; 45-degree arrow DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00011110 DECLE %00000110 DECLE %00001010 DECLE %00001000 DECLE %00010000 DECLE %00010000 DECLE %00100000 DECLE %00100000 DECLE %01000000 DECLE %01000000 DECLE %10000000 DECLE %10000000 @@aro3: ; 67.5-degree arrow DECLE %00000000 DECLE %00010000 DECLE %00111000 DECLE %01010100 DECLE %00010000 DECLE %00100000 DECLE %00100000 DECLE %00100000 DECLE %00100000 DECLE %01000000 DECLE %01000000 DECLE %01000000 DECLE %01000000 DECLE %10000000 DECLE %10000000 DECLE %10000000 @@aro4: ; 90-degree arrow DECLE %00100000 DECLE %01110000 DECLE %10101000 DECLE %00100000 DECLE %00100000 DECLE %00100000 DECLE %00100000 DECLE %00100000 DECLE %00100000 DECLE %00100000 DECLE %00100000 DECLE %00100000 DECLE %00100000 DECLE %00100000 DECLE %00100000 DECLE %00100000 @@end: ENDP ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; LIBRARY INCLUDES ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; INCLUDE "../library/print.asm" ; PRINT.xxx routines INCLUDE "../library/fillmem.asm" ; CLRSCR/FILLZERO/FILLMEM INCLUDE "../library/memcpy.asm" ; MEMCPY INCLUDE "../library/hexdisp.asm" ; HEX16/HEX12 INCLUDE "../task/scanhand.asm" ; SCANHAND INCLUDE "../task/taskq.asm" ; RUNQ/QTASK