exprlist EQU 0,1,2,3,4,5 DECLE exprlist ; Should emit 5 DECLE exprlist[0,5] ; Should emit 0,1,2,3,4,5 DECLE exprlist[5,0] ; Should emit 5,4,3,2,1,0 DECLE (1,2,3,4)[3] IF (1,2,3,4)[3] = 4 ; This branch should be taken DECLE $ABCD ELSE ERR "This should not happen ENDI ; exprlist[1,4] should also be 1,2,3,4... so we should get the ; same outcome as above. DECLE (exprlist[1,4])[3] IF (exprlist[1,4])[3] = 4 ; This branch should be taken DECLE $ABCD ELSE ERR "This should not happen ENDI DECLE ("ABCD")[0] ; Should output $41 DECLE ("ABCD")[1] ; Should output $42 DECLE ("ABCD")[2] ; Should output $43 DECLE ("ABCD")[3] ; Should output $44 two_d[0] EQU 0,1,2,3,4 two_d[1] EQU 5,6,7 two_d[2] EQU 8,9 DECLE two_d ; Should output 2 DECLE two_d[0] ; Should output 4 DECLE two_d[1] ; Should output 2 DECLE two_d[2] ; Should output 1 DECLE two_d[0][4] ; Should output 4 DECLE two_d[1][2,0] ; Should output 7,6,5 ; We can also take exprlist slices. DECLE (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)[7,3] ; Outputs: 7,6,5,4,3 DECLE ("Hello World!")[0,5] ; Outputs "Hello " DECLE ("Hello World!")[6,10] ; Outputs "World!"