-- NEW: Add _EXPMAC keyword, to force macros to expand in both the taken and not-taken branches of an IF. This is needed for IF-statements inside a RPT block, whose taken/not-taken behavior varies across loop iterations. -- NEW: Increase resolution of release_date to incloude hours, minutes, seconds, and timezone. -- NEW: Add build_date and version CFGVARs. -- build_date takes the same format as release_date. -- version is an arbitrary format string. -- Both tags can appear an arbitrary number of times. -- NEW: Add %z specifier to TODAY_xxx. -- Reports timezone as +HHMM in TODAY_STR_xxx. -- Reports timezone as minutes relative to UTC in TODAY_VAL_xxx. -- NEW: Add _ROTL16, _ROTL32, _ROTR16, _ROTR32 operators. -- Same precedence as SHL, SHR, SHRU. -- Internal: Increase IF-ELSE-ENDI stack depth from 32 to 256. -- Internal: Additional infrastructure for normalizing metadata between different object file types. -- BUGFIX: Add missing __FEATURE.TODAY for the TODAY_xxx feature. This was supposed to be in the last release, but a fatfingered edit fail deleted it. -- BUGFIX: Fix some nested RPT cases. -- Multiple RPTs inside a nested RPT now work. -- RPT guarded by an IF also now works. -- BUGFIX: Fix some metadata tag behavior when loading ROMs w/ tags. -- Misc: Start marking stuff 2018. -- Misc: Update documentation for new features.