/* IMASM Macro Precompiler Copyright (C) 2003 Joe Fisher, Shiny Technologies, LLC http://www.shinytechnologies.com Portions Copyright (C) 2003 Joseph Zbiciak. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "includes.h" #include #include using namespace std; #define NUL '\0' #if defined(WIN32X) || !defined(WIN32) int stricmp_(const char *str1, const char *str2) { while (tolower(*str1) == tolower(*str2)) { if (*str1 == NUL) { return 0; } str1++; str2++; } if (tolower(*str1) > tolower(*str2)) { return 1; } return -1; } #else int stricmp_(const char *str1, const char *str2) { return stricmp(str1, str2); } #endif Parser::~Parser() { map ::iterator itr; for (itr = m_macroMap.begin(); itr != m_macroMap.end(); itr++) { free(static_cast(const_cast(itr->first))); delete(itr->second); } m_macroMap.clear(); } int Parser::ParseSourceFile() { string s; bool Ignore; while (inputFIFO->getLine(s, Ignore)) { StripReturn(s); if (Ignore) { PutString(s, true, false); continue; } if (ParseLine(s) == -1) return 0; } return 1; } int Parser::ParseUntilOutput() { string s; bool Ignore; while (outputFIFO->isEmpty() && inputFIFO->getLine(s, Ignore)) { StripReturn(s); if (Ignore) { PutString(s, true, false); continue; } if (ParseLine(s) == -1) return 0; } return 1; } void Parser::PutString(string &s, bool addNL, bool Ignore) { string sTmp = s; string sSub; string::size_type crPos; string::size_type nlPos; if (addNL) sTmp += "\n"; // Nuke any CRs we find (from straggling CR+LF pairs) while ((crPos = sTmp.find('\r')) != string::npos) sTmp.erase(crPos, 1); // Now chop into newline-terminated substrings while ((nlPos = sTmp.find('\n')) != string::npos) { sSub = sTmp.substr(0, nlPos + 1); outputFIFO->putLine(sSub.c_str(), Ignore); sTmp.erase(0, nlPos + 1); } if (sTmp.length() > 0) outputFIFO->putLine(sTmp.c_str(), Ignore); } void Parser::PutStringAsCmt(string &s, bool addNL, bool Ignore) { string sTmp = s; string sSub; string::size_type crPos; string::size_type nlPos; if (addNL) sTmp += "\n"; // Nuke any CRs we find (from straggling CR+LF pairs) while ((crPos = sTmp.find('\r')) != string::npos) sTmp.erase(crPos, 1); // Now chop into newline-terminated substrings while ((nlPos = sTmp.find('\n')) != string::npos) { sSub = sTmp.substr(0, nlPos + 1); // Convert original line into a comment. // If the leading character is a space, replace it. Otherwise, if // it's anything else (including a TAB), insert in front of it. if (sSub.length() > 0 && sSub[0] == ' ') sSub.replace(0,1, ";"); else sSub.insert(0, ";"); outputFIFO->putLine(sSub.c_str(), Ignore); sTmp.erase(0, nlPos + 1); } if (sTmp.length() > 0) outputFIFO->putLine(sTmp.c_str(), Ignore); } int Parser::ParseLine(string &sLine) { Token lineToks(", \t()\r\n"); bool bHandled = false; string sOrig = sLine; int iRet; // Massacre any comments to keep them from mucking up the works string::size_type iPos = sLine.find(";"); if (iPos != string::npos) sLine.substr(0, iPos); // Now, through the magic of operator overloading, tokenize the line. lineToks = sLine; // If we found any tokens, see if any of them are meaningful. if (lineToks.GetNumTokens() > 0) { if (stricmp_(lineToks[0], "MACRO") == 0) // macro definition { macro *m = new macro; bool redef_err = false; // Output original line as a comment PutString(sOrig, true, true); redef_err = (m_macroMap.find(lineToks[1]) != m_macroMap.end()); m->sName = lineToks[1]; if (ReadMacro(m, sLine) == -1) return -1; if (!redef_err) m_macroMap[strdup(lineToks[1])] = m; else ThrowError("MACRO '%s' redefined!", lineToks[1]); bHandled = true; } else // Test to see if we have a macro match { string sMacro; iRet = FindMacros(sLine, sMacro); if (iRet == -1) { return -1; } else if (iRet == 1) { // Found a macro, so output the original line as a comment // followed by the expanded line. PutStringAsCmt(sOrig, true, false); if (sMacro.length() > 0) PutString(sMacro); bHandled = true; } // else if iRet == 0, pass the line through. } } if (!bHandled) { PutString(sOrig); } return 1; } int Parser::ReadMacro(macro *pMacro, string &sLine) { string s, sTemp; Token t(" \t\r\n"); bool ok; bool Ignore; pMacro->iType = mUNKNOWN; s = sLine; if (GetMacroArgs(pMacro, s) == -1) { return -1; } s.erase(); // Read the first line of the macro do { ok = inputFIFO->getLine(s, Ignore); if (Ignore) PutString(s, false, false); } while (ok && Ignore); if (!ok && inputFIFO->isEOF()) { ThrowError("End of file encountered while reading macro %s", pMacro->sName.c_str()); return -1; } PutString(s, false, true); // Strip leading whitespace and trailing return character. string::size_type iPos = 0, len = s.length(); while (iPos < len && isspace(s[iPos])) iPos++; s.erase(0, iPos); StripReturn(s); t = s; if (t.GetNumTokens() == 0 || stricmp_(t[0], "ENDM") != 0) { pMacro->codeVector.push_back(s); } else { ThrowWarning("Empty macro %s defined.", pMacro->sName.c_str()); return 1; } // Read the rest of the macro while (1) { do { ok = inputFIFO->getLine(s, Ignore); if (Ignore) PutString(s, false, false); } while (ok && Ignore); if (!ok && inputFIFO->isEOF()) { ThrowError("End of file encountered while reading macro %s", pMacro->sName.c_str()); return -1; } PutString(s, false, true); StripReturn(s); t = s; if (t.GetNumTokens() > 0) { if (stricmp_(t[0], "ENDM") != 0) { pMacro->codeVector.push_back(s); } else { break; } } } return 1; } int Parser::ThrowError(const char *format, ...) { char msg_buf[1024], loc_buf[16]; va_list args; va_start(args, format); vsprintf(msg_buf, format, args); const StringFIFO::loc *inLoc = inputFIFO->getLocation(); sprintf(loc_buf, ":%d: ", inLoc->lineNo); string msg = string(inLoc->fname) + loc_buf + "ERROR - " + msg_buf; throw ParseError(msg); return 1; } int Parser::ThrowWarning(const char *format, ...) { char msg_buf[256], loc_buf[16]; va_list args; va_start(args, format); vsprintf(msg_buf, format, args); const StringFIFO::loc *inLoc = inputFIFO->getLocation(); sprintf(loc_buf, ":%d: ", inLoc->lineNo); cerr << inLoc->fname << loc_buf << "WARNING - " << msg_buf << endl; return 1; } int Parser::GetMacroString(macro *pMacro, string &sLine, string &sOut) { int iRet = 0; string sMacName; sMacName = pMacro->sName; string::size_type iPos = sLine.find(sMacName); if (iPos != string::npos) { int iParen = 0; char c; while (iPos < sLine.length()) { c = sLine[iPos]; sOut += c; if (pMacro->iType == mPAREN) { if (c == '(') { iParen++; } else if (c == ')') { iParen--; if (iParen == 0) { break; } } } iPos++; } if (iParen == 0) { iRet = 1; } else { ThrowError("Mismatched parenthesis in macro: %s", sMacName.c_str()); } } // Eat trailing whitespace iPos = sOut.length(); if (iPos > 0) { while (iPos > 0 && isspace(sOut[--iPos])) ; sOut = sOut.substr(0, iPos+1); } return iRet; } // Macros should be found and parsed in a left to right order int Parser::FindMacros(string &sLine, string &sOut) { int iRet = 0, i, iNumToks; Token t(" \t,()\r\n#$"); macro *pMac = NULL; string sSub; string::size_type iPos, iEnd; string sOrig = sLine, sCurStr = sLine, sTmpStr, sCmtStr; bool bChanged; sOut.erase(); // Take only the first line if the input is multiple lines, // and save the rest in sTmpStr. if ((iPos = sCurStr.find('\n')) != string::npos) { sTmpStr = sCurStr.substr(iPos); sCurStr.erase(0, iPos); } else sTmpStr = ""; // Hide comments from the rest of the parser iPos = sCurStr.find(';'); if (iPos != string::npos) { sCmtStr = sCurStr.substr(iPos); sCurStr.erase(iPos); } else { sCmtStr.erase(); } // Tokenize it and expand all macros in the line. // A macro may expand to multiple lines. bChanged = false; pMac = NULL; t = sCurStr; iNumToks = t.GetNumTokens(); for (i = 0; i < iNumToks; i++) { pMac = GetMacroPtr(t[i]); if (pMac != NULL) { iRet = 1; // Always expand the leftmost macro iPos = sCurStr.find(pMac->sName, 0); string sMacro; sSub = sCurStr.substr(iPos); if (GetMacroString(pMac, sSub, sMacro)) { string sExpanded; if (ExpandMacro(pMac, sMacro, sExpanded) == -1) { return -1; } sCurStr.replace(iPos, sMacro.length(), sExpanded); if (sCurStr.length() >= MAX_LINE - 1) { PutStringAsCmt(sOrig, true, false); ThrowError("Maximum line length of %d exceeded " "during expansion of '%s'", MAX_LINE, pMac->sName.c_str()); } bChanged = true; break; } } } // Put back any comments. sCurStr += sCmtStr; // If we expanded a macro, then put this guy back onto our // string of things to process. Otherwise, push it to the output // and continue. By doing this, we correctly handle macros that // expand to more than one line. if (bChanged) { // Put new stuff in front of existing unprocessed stuff sTmpStr = sCurStr + sTmpStr; sCurStr.erase(); } else { sOut += sCurStr; } // find unprocessed segments delimited by newlines. // push back into input queue. if (sTmpStr.length() > 0) { vector newlines; iPos = sTmpStr.find('\n'); while (iPos != string::npos) { newlines.push_back(iPos); iPos = sTmpStr.find('\n', iPos + 1); } iEnd = sTmpStr.length(); while (!newlines.empty()) { iPos = newlines.back(); newlines.pop_back(); inputFIFO->ungetLine( sTmpStr.substr(iPos + 1, iEnd - iPos).c_str(), false); iEnd = iPos; } if (iEnd != 0) inputFIFO->ungetLine( sTmpStr.substr(0, iEnd).c_str(), false); } return iRet; } macro *Parser::GetMacroPtr(const char *macName) { map ::iterator itr; itr = m_macroMap.find(macName); return itr == m_macroMap.end() ? NULL : itr->second; } int Parser::ExpandMacro(macro *pMacro, string &sMacro, string &sTargetString) { // Expand any symbols in the line string::size_type iPos, iSkip; string sSearch, sMutableLine; vector args; int iNumArgs = GetMacroArgs(pMacro->sName, sMacro, args, pMacro->iType); if (iNumArgs == -1) { return -1; } int iNumSyms = pMacro->argVector.size(); if (iNumArgs != iNumSyms) { ThrowError("MACRO '%s' expected %d arguments, got %d", pMacro->sName.c_str(), iNumSyms, iNumArgs); return -1; } vector::iterator pCurLine; for ( pCurLine = pMacro->codeVector.begin(); pCurLine != pMacro->codeVector.end(); ++pCurLine ) { // Add newlines between lines (ie. before every line but the first) if (pCurLine != pMacro->codeVector.begin()) sTargetString += '\n'; // Make a mutable local copy of current line sMutableLine = *pCurLine; // Now expand any symbols in the line of code vector::iterator pSym; vector::iterator pArg; for ( pSym = pMacro->argVector.begin(), pArg = args.begin(); pSym != pMacro->argVector.end(); ++pSym, ++pArg ) { // Set the symbol we will search for sSearch = "%"; sSearch += *pSym; sSearch += '%'; // Now do a search and replace iPos = sMutableLine.find(sSearch); iSkip = 0; // If we found it, replace all occurances while (iPos != string::npos) { iSkip = iPos + pArg->length(); sMutableLine.replace(iPos, sSearch.length(), *pArg); // Find again iPos = sMutableLine.find(sSearch, iSkip); } } sTargetString += sMutableLine; } return 1; } int Parser::GetMacroArgs(macro *pMacro, string &sMacro) { int iNum = 0; string s; string::size_type iPos; if (pMacro == NULL) { iNum = -1; } else { if (pMacro->iType == mUNKNOWN) { // Get to the first char of the macro name iPos = sMacro.find(pMacro->sName); s = sMacro.substr(iPos); iPos = s.find_first_of('('); if (iPos == string::npos) { pMacro->iType = mNOPAREN; } else { pMacro->iType = mPAREN; } } iNum = GetMacroArgs(pMacro->sName, s, pMacro->argVector, pMacro->iType); } return iNum; } int Parser::GetMacroArgs(string &sMacName, string &sMacro, vector &argVector, int iType) { int iParen, iBracket, iNum = 0, iTempPos; char c; bool bDone = false; bool bAdd; string sTemp; string::size_type iPos; iPos = sMacro.find(sMacName); if (iPos == string::npos) { ThrowError("Unable to find macro name %s in macro string %s", sMacName.c_str(), sMacro.c_str()); return -1; } else { iPos += sMacName.length(); if (iType == mNOPAREN) { if (iPos < sMacro.length() && !isspace(sMacro[iPos])) { ThrowError("Macro %s does not match macro name %s", sMacro.c_str(), sMacName.c_str()); return -1; } } else if (iType == mPAREN) { // Eat whitespace for (; (iPos < sMacro.length() && isspace(sMacro[iPos])); iPos++) ; if (sMacro[iPos] != '(') { ThrowError("Opening parenthesis not found for macro \"%s\"", sMacro.c_str()); return -1; } else { iPos++; } } } if (iPos != string::npos) { iParen = 1; iBracket = 0; // Grab each of the params while (!bDone) { sTemp.erase(); // Eat whitespace for (; iPos < sMacro.length() && isspace(sMacro[iPos]) ; iPos++) ; bAdd = false; do { c = iPos < sMacro.length() ? sMacro[iPos++] : NUL; if (c == '(') { sTemp += c; if (iBracket == 0) { iParen++; } } else if (c == ')') { if (iBracket == 0) { iParen--; } // If iParen is 0, we have reached the end of the macro if (iParen == 0) { // If iBracket != 0, there was a bracketry problem if (iBracket != 0) { ThrowError("Mismatched brackets in macro %s", sMacro.c_str()); bDone = true; return -1; } else if (iType == mNOPAREN) { ThrowError("Mismatched parenthesis in macro %s", sMacro.c_str()); bDone = true; return -1; } else { bAdd = true; bDone = true; } } else { sTemp += c; } } else if (c == '[') { if (iParen == 1) { iBracket++; } else { sTemp += c; } } else if (c == ']') { if (iParen == 1) { iBracket--; } else { sTemp += c; } } else if (c == ',') { if ((iParen == 1) && (iBracket == 0)) { bAdd = true; } else { sTemp += c; } } else if (c == NUL) { if (iType == mNOPAREN) { if (iBracket != 0) { ThrowError("Mismatched brackets while reading args for macro %s", sMacro.c_str()); bDone = true; return -1; } else { bAdd = true; } } else { ThrowError("End of line encountered while reading args for macro %s", sMacro.c_str()); bDone = true; return -1; } bDone = true; } else { sTemp += c; } if (bAdd) // Add the param into the structure { // Eat trailing whitespace iTempPos = sTemp.length() - 1; if (iTempPos >= 0) { for (; ((iTempPos >= 0) && isspace(sTemp[iTempPos])); iTempPos--) /* empty */; sTemp = sTemp.substr(0, iTempPos+1); } // See if this was a valid argument if ( ((iType == mPAREN) && (sTemp.length() == 0)) || ((iType == mNOPAREN) && (iNum > 0) && (sTemp.length() == 0)) ) { ThrowError("No argument specified in macro %s", sMacro.c_str()); bDone = true; } else { if ( (iType == mNOPAREN && sTemp.length() != 0) || (iType == mPAREN) ) { argVector.push_back(sTemp); iNum++; } }// else } // if } while (!bAdd); // Loop until we have added a param }// while (sMacro } return iNum; } int Parser::StripReturn(string &s) { string::size_type iPos = s.find('\r'); if (iPos != string::npos) s = s.substr(0, iPos); iPos = s.find('\n'); if (iPos != string::npos) s = s.substr(0, iPos); return 1; } int Parser::StripReturn(char *s) { char *pC = strchr(s, '\r'); if (pC != NULL) *pC = NUL; pC = strchr(s, '\n'); if (pC != NULL) *pC = NUL; return 1; }