/* ======================================================================== */ /* Routines for managing source code in the debugger. */ /* ======================================================================== */ #include "config.h" #include "file/file.h" #include "source.h" #include "debug/debug_tag.h" #include "asm/typetags.h" typedef struct smapping { unsigned file : 12; /* up to 4095 files */ unsigned line : 20; /* up to 1M lines / file */ unsigned flag : 8; /* up to 8 flag bits */ unsigned list_line : 24; /* up to 16M lines in listing */ } smapping; #define MAX_SOURCE_FILES (4095) smapping smap_tbl[65536]; source_file_info *source_file; int source_files; int sf_alloc = 0; smap_mode smode = SMAP_SMART; path_t *as1600_search_path; int listing_handle; #define FL_PREFER_LISTING (1) #define SOURCEOFFSET (24) /* same meaning as in assembler */ void set_source_map_mode(smap_mode mode); /* ======================================================================== */ /* GET_FILE_HANDLE -- Get the text_file handle for a filename. */ /* ======================================================================== */ LOCAL int get_file_handle(const char *name) { FILE *f; int i; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* First see if we've already got this file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for (i = 0; i < source_files; i++) if (!strcmp(source_file[i].name, name)) return i + 1; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Only allow up to MAX_SOURCE_FILES files for now. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (source_files == MAX_SOURCE_FILES) return 0; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Next see if we can open the file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ f = path_fopen(as1600_search_path, name, "rb"); if (!f) return 0; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Now allocate a slot for it and populate it. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (source_files >= sf_alloc) { sf_alloc += 16; source_file = (source_file_info *) realloc(source_file, sf_alloc * sizeof(source_file_info)); } jzp_printf("Reading %s... ", name); source_file[source_files].name = strdup(name); source_file[source_files].text = load_text_file(f, 8); if (!source_file[source_files].text) { jzp_printf("failed\n"); jzp_flush(); free((void *)source_file[source_files].name); return 0; } jzp_printf("%d lines.\n", source_file[source_files].text->lines); jzp_flush(); fclose(f); return ++source_files; } /* ======================================================================== */ /* PROCESS_SOURCE_MAP -- Process a source-map file */ /* */ /* Directive lines: */ /* CWD Source directory where AS1600 ran */ /* PATH Adds to AS1600 search path */ /* LISTING Indicates is the AS1600 listing file */ /* FILE Sets as the current source file */ /* */ /* Mapping lines: */ /* */ /* */ /* ======================================================================== */ void process_source_map(const char *fname) { FILE *f; char buf[2048], *s; char *cwd = NULL; int curr = 0; uint_32 lo, hi, flags, src_line, list_line, addr, dflags; if ((f = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) { perror("fopen()"); fprintf(stderr, "Could not open '%s' for reading.\n", fname); return; } while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f) != NULL) { if ((s = strchr(buf, '\012')) != NULL) *s = 0; if ((s = strchr(buf, '\015')) != NULL) *s = 0; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Keywords.... */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (!strncmp(buf, "CWD ", 4)) { if (cwd) free(cwd); cwd = strdup(buf + 4); continue; } if (!strncmp(buf, "PATH ", 5)) { s = make_absolute_path(cwd ? cwd : "", buf + 5); as1600_search_path = append_path(as1600_search_path, s); free(s); continue; } if (!strncmp(buf, "LISTING ", 8)) { listing_handle = get_file_handle(buf + 8); continue; } if (!strncmp(buf, "FILE ", 5)) { curr = get_file_handle(buf + 5); continue; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Ranges.... */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (sscanf(buf, "%x %x %x %d %d", &lo, &hi, &flags, &src_line, &list_line) != 5 || lo > hi || lo > 0xFFFF) { fprintf(stderr, "Unhandled line in source map:\n>> %s\n", buf); continue; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Go mark the range in the source map table. */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ for (addr = lo; addr <= hi; addr++) { smap_tbl[addr].file = curr; smap_tbl[addr].flag = flags; smap_tbl[addr].line = src_line; smap_tbl[addr].list_line = list_line; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Update the memory attribute flags in the debugger. */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ dflags = ((flags & TYPE_CODE) ? DEBUG_MA_CODE : 0) | ((flags & TYPE_DATA) ? DEBUG_MA_DATA : 0) | ((flags & TYPE_DBDATA) ? DEBUG_MA_SDBD : 0) | ((flags & TYPE_STRING) ? DEBUG_MA_DATA : 0); debug_tag_range(lo, hi, dflags); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Heuristic for "smart mode": If two consecutive ranges have */ /* the same file / line, but different listing line, then prefer */ /* the listing over the source when in "smart" mode. */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (lo > 0) { addr = lo; while (smap_tbl[addr - 1].file == smap_tbl[lo].file && smap_tbl[addr - 1].line == smap_tbl[lo].line) { if (smap_tbl[addr - 1].list_line == smap_tbl[lo].list_line) break; addr--; } if (addr != lo) { while (addr <= hi) smap_tbl[addr++].flag |= FL_PREFER_LISTING; } } } fclose(f); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Now step over the listing file, if there was one, and trim off */ /* the leading parts of the lines, keeping just the source. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (listing_handle > 0) { uint_32 i, j, k; text_file *text = source_file[listing_handle - 1].text; for (i = 0; i != text->lines; i++) { k = text->line[i]; for (j = 0; j < SOURCEOFFSET; j++, k++) { if (text->body[k] == 0) break; if (text->body[k] == '\t') j += (7 - (j & 7)); } text->line[i] = k; } } } /* ======================================================================== */ /* SOURCE_FOR_ADDR -- Try to find code for this address, if any */ /* exists. Pull from source or listing based on */ /* the current mode. */ /* ======================================================================== */ const char *source_for_addr(uint_32 addr) { int file = smap_tbl[addr].file - 1; int sline = smap_tbl[addr].line - 1; int lline = smap_tbl[addr].list_line - 1; const char *src = NULL, *lst = NULL; if (file >= 0 && sline >= 0 && sline < (int)source_file[file].text->lines) src = &source_file[file].text->body[ source_file[file].text->line[sline]]; file = listing_handle - 1; if (file >= 0 && lline >= 0 && lline < (int)source_file[file].text->lines) lst = &source_file[file].text->body[ source_file[file].text->line[lline]]; if (smode == SMAP_SMART) { if (src && lst && (smap_tbl[addr].flag & FL_PREFER_LISTING) != 0) return lst; return src ? src : lst; } if (smode == SMAP_SOURCE) return src; return lst; } /* ======================================================================== */ /* FILE_LINE_FOR_ADDR -- Get the file and line associated with an addr. */ /* ======================================================================== */ int file_line_for_addr(uint_32 addr, int *line) { int sfile = smap_tbl[addr].file - 1; int sline = smap_tbl[addr].line - 1; int lfile = listing_handle - 1; int lline = smap_tbl[addr].list_line - 1; if (sfile < 0 || sline >= (int)source_file[sfile].text->lines) sline = -1; if (lfile < 0 || lline >= (int)source_file[lfile].text->lines) lline = -1; if (smode == SMAP_SMART) { if (sline < 0 || (lline >= 0 && (smap_tbl[addr].flag & FL_PREFER_LISTING) != 0)) { *line = lline; return lfile; } *line = sline; return sfile; } if (smode == SMAP_SOURCE) { *line = sline; return sfile; } *line = lline; return lfile; } /* ======================================================================== */ /* SOURCE_FOR_FILE_LINE -- Get the source line associated with the file */ /* handle and source line, if any. */ /* ======================================================================== */ const char *source_for_file_line(int file, int line) { if (file < 0 || file + 1 > source_files || line < 0) return NULL; if (line >= (int)source_file[file].text->lines) return NULL; return &source_file[file].text->body[source_file[file].text->line[line]]; }