============================================================================== TEST_HCIF -- Test the INTV2PC Hand Controller Interface ============================================================================== This utility polls an INTV2PC Hand Controller Interface, showing its current status onscreen. This is useful for verifying that the HCIF is working correctly. Usage: test_hcif [port# [rate]] where "port#" is 1, 2, or 3 (for LPT1:, LPT2: or LPT3:), and "rate" is a number from 1 to 100 which indicates the query rate in Hz. Note: test_hcif requires root privileges to run under Linux. TEST_HCIF is not normally built by default and is not part of the binary distribution. To build it, from the jzIntv source directory type: Linux: make -f Makefile.linux ../bin/test_hcif Win32: make -f Makefile.w32 ../bin/test_hcif.exe