Information about Intellivision
- Introduction to CP-1600
(Version 1.6, updated 8/23/99)
An introduction to assembly language programming on the CP-1600
processor found in the Intellivision, intended mostly for assembly
programming neophytes.
- Some Intellivision Programs NEW!
This directory contains some simple Intellivision programs that
I've written recently.
Intellivision Controller Pad Wiring
This GIF illustrates how the five wires are set up to give
16 directions in the controller pad.
- Latest Snapshot of jzIntv
Snapshot of the CVS tree for jzIntv -- Joe's Intellivision
Emulator for Linux. (Zip file, etc. available below under

im14u2c AT primenet DOT com
The Fine Print: 'Intellivision' and 'Intellivision Lives!'
are Trademarks of Intellivision
Productions. Neither this site nor its author is
connected in any way with Intellivision Productions.
Last update: Aug 26, 1999.