DON(1)                    STAFF COMMAND                    DON(1)

     don - Dr. Schertz's login

     don [ -7BDPRS ] topic ...

     The System V  version of  this command  is available on  the 
     3B2's, UNIX PCs,  and Solaris machines.   The POSIX  version
     of don is available under SunOS 4.1.x and Linux.

     For each  electrical  engineering  student  present  in  the
     current  semester,  don  provides a rigorous testing of data
     storage integrity and  mental  comprehension.   The  methods
     employed  in this testing are widely varied, as is described

     One can often locate don logged in, yet idle for a number of
     hours.   This  feature allows don to appear to be in several
     places at once, to those not bright enough  to  notice  idle

     Another feature of don is to respond to talk requests with a
     request for verbal communication instead.  This reflects his
     preoccupation with vocal communication.  Often, his  conver-
     sation  will  incorporate elements of technology that are no
     longer state-of-the-art, in order to broaden  the  scope  of
     such discussions.  See the description of the -R ( Reminisce
     ) switch, and of the don protocol, below.

     To further enhance don 's performance, a  unique  filesystem
     has  been  developed  to compliment don 's unique character.
     Called ' The Office ' (tm),  it  encompasses  the  power  of
     entropy  to  maintain  its  organization.  See the -S ( Sift
     thru ruins ) switch for more information.

     As mentioned previously, don uses a multitude of  techniques
     to rigorously test the data storage and mental comprehension
     of aspiring electrical engineering students.  Outlined below
     are some of the more common techniques:

     Information Synthesis

     In order to verify the student's  ability  to  create  valid
     inferences   from   incomplete   data,   don  uses  advanced

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DON(1)                    STAFF COMMAND                    DON(1)

     heuristics to omit seemingly crucial details from  lectures,
     replacing them with various forms of topic drift. See

                    -R ( Reminisce ),

                    -D ( subject Drift ),

                    -7 ( Version 7 UNIX compatibility ), and

                    -P ( PDP emulation mode )

     listed below.

     Spurious Data Retention

     As a productive  by-product  of  the  Information  Synthesis
     heuristic,  the  don expects the student to retain a portion
     of the off-topic data to be used later  during  hand-shaking
     and  protocol negotiation.  See the section on communication
     protocol below for more information.

     PseudoRandom Packet Retransmit

     Anticipating dropped packets, don often retransmits the less
     important  data  packets  presented in his lecture to ensure
     their proper arrival with the student.  The onus is  on  the
     student  to  properly  resequence  and collate these packets
     into a meaningful data stream.

     In order to communicate with don, one must engage in don ' s
     unique  protocol.  The protocol's rules are neither specific
     nor enforced; however, compliance is  necessary  for  proper

     As noted earlier, attempts to  communicate  over  electronic
     channels  generally  evoke  a  verbal communication request.
     Once a comm link  is  established,  the  following  protocol
     exchanges are typically made.

          Student                    don
          -------                    ------
          [greeting]                 [greeting]
          [query]                    [partial response]
                                     [hold request]
          [spurious info]            [spurious info ack]
                                     [spurious info]
          [spurious info ack]
          [repeated query]           [further response]
          [spurious info]            [spurious info ack]
                                     [spurious info]

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DON(1)                    STAFF COMMAND                    DON(1)

          [spurious info query]      [spurious info]
          [spurious info ack]        [spurious info]
          [repeated query]           [spurious info]
          [repeated query]           [spurious info]
          [repeated query]           [final query response]
          [spurious info]            [spurious info]
          [req. to end xmit]         [spurious info]
          [req. to end xmit]         [end xmit granted]

     Notice the usage of the spurious  info  that  was  presented
     previously  during  the  lecture.   Also,  spurious info not
     presented  is  also  valuable  for   use   during   protocol
     exchanges.   A  mastery of the don protocol can permit large
     numbers of varied queries  to  be  processed,  limiting  the
     exchanges  of  spurious  info  to  those periods when don is
     searching the filesystem.

     At first, it would appear that this is a wasteful  protocol.
     However, the don protocol is actually very efficient, having
     its own intricate form of compression built  in  it.   In  a
     typical  course, the effective number of class hours is usu-
     ally double the actual number that the course occupies.  For
     digital  electives,  the  compression  ratio can often reach
     2.5:1 or higher.

     -7    Invokes Version 7 UNIX compatibility.  All discussions
          of  programming  will  thusly center around differences
          between ANSI C , and the Version 7 K&R C

     -D    Enables enhanced subject  drift  mode.   Under  normal
          usage,  the  don  protocol will inject spurious packets
          into the data stream.  Generally, these packets are all
          centered around some central theme.  This switch allows
          the subject of discussion  to  vary  in  a  much  wider

     -P    PDP Emulation Mode.  This  switch  performs  similar
          actions  to the -7 switch, although instead of focusing
          on software, this switch causes don  to  focus  on  the
          peculiarities of PDP hardware.

          Do not use this  switch  if  you  are  uninterested  in
          PDP's!!  Use of this switch in such situations has been
          known to cause several cases of death by boredom.

     -R    This sets the time frame on the  spurious  packets  to
          pre-1980,  and  can  often  cause don to mention topics

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DON(1)                    STAFF COMMAND                    DON(1)

          from time pre-dating most current student's lives.

     -S    Sift thru ruins. This switch causes a don to execute a
          direct filesystem search, and may cause thrashing.

     -B    Invokes 3B2/UNIX-PC context.  All example source  code
          in  resulting  protocol  exchanges  will  be printed on
          faded transparencies in barely ledgible  9  pin  print.
          This switch is used primarily in programming contexts.

     The environment variables DON_OFFICEHRS , DON_CLASSHRS , and
     DON_AVAIL  govern  the scheduling of the don process.  These
     variables are  generally  set  by  the  superuser  or  other
     authorized  staff,  and  are not accessible by the end user.
     (For more information on authorized staff,  see  the  bdh(1)
     man  page).   DON_DISCUSSIONTOPIC may be set, but it's value
     is often ignored.

     The don process accesses a number of files;  however,  their
     names  and  locations are indeterminate due to the nature of
     the don filesystem.  For purposes  of  system  organization,
     files  in the don filesystem are generally restrained to the
     /dev/office device, typically mounted as  /don.  Occasionally,
     files belonging to the don process will be moved outside the
     don filesystem, but are returned there after a short  period
     of time.

     bdh(1),  The  C  Programming  Language  (by  Kernighan   and
     Ritche), ASCII(7), recursive(1), don(1).

     AT&T System V R2 Programmers Manual

     PDP-11 Architectural Reference.

     Version 7 UNIX Developer's Guide.

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DON(1)                    STAFF COMMAND                    DON(1)

     Sometimes during a spurious data exchange, don will  restart
     the exchange after failing to ack a student request.

     Occasionally, don will forget to flush the  pending  process
     queue,  causing  unusual delays in data processing.  To help
     work around this, repeating queries is often necessary.

     During discussions of C programming,  the   -R (Reminisce)
     behavior will be invoked automatically.

     This version of don only accepts parameters in uppercase due
     to  a reliance of an older version of the standard C library
     and its use of a preliminary version of the ASCII set.

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