Yes, I have been playing since 2000 and I am still obsessed. So in my little corner of the web universe I have have been putting up some of the stuff I've found most useful for D&D. Maybe you'll see something interesting. In any case, enjoy.
My friend Keith, a gamer of 20 years experience or so, runs this campaign which I play in.
Kaja Gallegos, the character I created for an experimental 2-person campaign.
Logs for the PBeM I'm currently running:
The Mage's Bazaar: Introduction
Here's a nice and simple Combat Sheet I created to help battles run a little easier. It might print better if you DON'T select the "fit to page" option.
This is a tongue-in-cheek (read: funny) attempt to make an example for a rules clarification that had been giving me trouble. Sadly enough, this is actually how a typical gaming session runs...
Final Exam: this one is down-right evil. It's definitely worthy of my current DM. Basically this guy was starting a new campaign and wanted to be sure and put the players in their place. No characters were permanently damaged in the playing of this adventure.
D&D Cliffhangers archive: I was disappointed when WOTC's free adventure series "Cliffhangers" disappeared off their web site. I went to the trouble to track them down and save them all. Some are in pdf format and others are straight html code, depending on how Wizards presented them. A README.txt is included with a short blurb and approximate character levels for each adventure (in no particular order).
Into the Darkness: This is a very introductory adventure for 3rd edition. As in, introductory for both new DM's and new players. For ease of retrieval I'm putting it up here, because it's almost impossible to find on Wizards website.
A good place to go for random maps is Wizard's website. They have a ton of good stuff. Look for the Map-a-Week articles. The first page of every chapter in the Dungeon Master's Guide has a beautiful background which is partially obscured. This zip file contains the pictures from all 8 chapters in their full glory. Same as the above for the Player's Handbook.
Stand-up paper figures: Wish I could remember what website I got these off of. The zip file contains 4 jpegs, one with dwarves, one with beastmen, one with miscellaneous undead, and one with goblins. I like the dwarves, they have a lot of character. :-) For best results either print on light-weight posterboard, or print on ordinary paper and paste onto posterboard before cutting out.
Interesting and useful guides I've managed to pick up.
CharSheetNew.pdf: A pdf of the character sheet out of the Player's Handbook. Not a very good scan either, I might add.
DnDCharacterSheet.pdf: a better version of the character sheet listed above. This one has all the skills on it already.
Mad Irishman's 3rd edition D&D character sheet: My favorite character sheet, and the one I use for my player characters. Unfortunately, the text doesn't seem to show up under Linux. Probably don't have the right fonts installed. Mad Irishman's website can be found here.
Player's Handbook Bonus Insert: a bonus insert for the Player's Handbook with statistics for familiars and common summonable creatures.
The List of Character Survival Techniques: the US Army Survival Manual for surviving any adventure. And amusing to boot.
Zagyg's Deck of Not So Many Things: Ever heard of a deck of many things? Imagine a deck of cards, where each one you drew caused some sort of weird and pointless effect. Strange.
Jim's Weather Generator: quick and dirty way to roll up changing weather for your adventures.
Combining Storylines and Character Freedom: a text file which briefly talks about story development vs. character freedom.
The Complete Guide to Sanity for Fantasy Role-Playing Games: complete rules for incorporating "sanity checks" into your campaign. Evil. I like it. Note that this was written before the d20 Call of Cthulhu rules, and is completly different from them.
Elfs Gamebook: random interesting things to throw in your campaign. Ever wondered what kitchen utensils would be like in a world where magic was commonplace?
The Complete Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge for Fantasy Role-Playing Games: the name says it all!
The Traps Collection, The Traps Collection Volume II, Traps Traps Traps: Since these files seem to be the main reason anyone ever visited my page, I'm putting them back up. You'll have to convert them to 3rd edition stats, if that's what you're looking for.
Sometimes roleplayers say the funniest things...
Bilbo of the Gatepeople?: if Bill Gates had a roleplaying character, what would he look like? Image borrowed from The Onion website.
: I don't care if it's traditional, I won't wear it!
The Nodwick comic strip has to be the funniest gaming-related comic I've ever read. The mis-adventures of a large-nosed henchman hired by a misfit band of adventurers. You'll feel better about your job (unless you're a henchman too.)
I have begun using a program called PCGen, and it is the most useful tool I've seen yet for generating and maintaining characters. Best of all, it runs on all platforms supported by Java 1.3 and the data files are fully customizable.